Transferring a PLC project

If you transfer a project to a different computer and wish to connect to the same PLC from there without an online change or download being necessary, note the following points:

Create a project archive and unpack it on the other computer or check the project into your source code administration system.

Transferring a project to a different system

On a computer "PC1", the project is opened that you wish to transfer to a different computer "PC2", from where you want to connect again to the same controller.
Only libraries with fixed versions are integrated in the project (exception: pure interface libraries). To check this, open the library manager. If, instead of a fixed version ID, a "*" stands next to a library entry, the library is not integrated with a fixed version. (See section "Using libraries")
The opened PLC project is the same as the one that is currently in use on the PLC. This means that the "boot project" is identical to the project in the programming system. If the diskette symbols of the PLC project and PLC objects in the PLC project tree are red, this means that the project or a PLC object has been changed, but not yet saved. In this case the PLC project and the boot project may not match. Save the changes and generate a new boot project. In order to explicitly generate a boot project, select the command Activate Boot Project in the context menu of the PLC node. Log in to the PLC with the command Login and start the execution with the command Start. The project is now running on the PLC to which you wish to connect again from the same project on PC2.
1. Select the command Save <TwinCAT project name> as Archive... in the context menu of the PLC project in order to generate a project archive or check the entire project into your source code administration system.
2. Transfer the project archive to PC2 and extract it or load the latest version from your source code administration system into PC2.
3. Now open the TwinCAT project or integrate the PLC in a new TwinCAT 3 project.
4. Compile the project.
5. Log in to the PLC again.
TwinCAT does not demand an online change or download. The project runs.

See also: