Command PLC Bookmarks
Function: The command opens the view Bookmarks.
Call: PLC > Window menu
| Jumps to the bookmark displayed in the table one line above the selected line and opens the corresponding POU in the editor. |
| Jumps to the bookmark displayed in the table one line below the selected line and opens the corresponding POU in the editor. |
Deletes the selected bookmark from the table and in the corresponding POU. |
Listing of the project's bookmarks with the information bookmark, object and position:
Bookmark | Designation of the bookmarks assigned by TwinCAT in numbered, ascending order: Bookmark_0, Bookmark_2 etc. When the bookmark is selected and you click in the field, it becomes editable and you can change the bookmark name. |
Object | Name and project path of the POU in which the bookmark is set |
Position | Position of the bookmark within the POU Example: Line 3, Column 1 (Impl) (Impl): in the implementation part of the POU (Decl): in the declaration part of the POU |
You can change the order of bookmarks by drag and drop.
If you double-click a line, TwinCAT opens the corresponding object in the editor and jumps to this bookmark.
See also
- Command Previous Bookmark
- Command Next Bookmark
- Set and use bookmarks ("PLC" documentation)