Configuring and activating Windows Defender

Since Beckhoff cannot give any predictive assurances regarding the behavior of Windows Defender following future updates and since many controllers are unable to regularly procure the updates required for effective use, the component is deactivated by a group rule in the standard images from Beckhoff.

Activation of Windows Defender in Beckhoff standard systems with Windows 10

1. Open Windows Run with the shortcut [Windows + R] and enter "gpedit.msc". Confirm the dialog with OK.

Configuring and activating Windows Defender 1:
The group policy editor opens.
2. Adapt the entry "Turn off Windows Defender" accordingly.
Configuring and activating Windows Defender 2:
3. Start Windows Defender in the Control Panels.
Configuring and activating Windows Defender 3:
4. Activate Windows Defender with the Start now button.

Configuring and activating Windows Defender 4:
Windows Defender is activated.