TwinCAT Automation Interface: use in MATLAB®

Short description of the Automation Interface

TwinCAT XAE configurations can be automatically generated and edited via programming/script codes using the TwinCAT Automation Interface. The automation of a TwinCAT configuration is available thanks to so-called Automation Interfaces, which can be accessed via all COM-capable programming languages (e.g. C++ or .NET) and also via dynamic script languages such as Windows PowerShell, IronPython or even the (obsolete) Vbscript. Use from the MATLAB® environment is also possible.

Detailed documentation of the product can be found here: TwinCAT Automation Interface

Use in MATLAB®

The Automation Interface can be made visible in MATLAB® through the command NET.addAssembly. This will enable you to use the interfaces (Automation Interface API) described in the product documentation. You can also find many programming samples for use from C# and PowerShell (Automation Interface Configuration).

In order to simplify the entry from MATLAB® for you, you can find below a sample implementation for MATLAB® on the basis of a MATLAB® class, which you can use, modify and expand.