
MATLAB® and Simulink®

MATLAB® and Simulink® have become globally established environments for a wide variety of applications, even among budding engineers. There are many reasons for this development. MATLAB® and Simulink® provide environments where you can focus on the engineering task. This is perfect for didactic concepts in teaching environments and efficient in industrial applications. MATLAB®, with its numerous toolboxes, provides an ideal environment for developing algorithms and analyzing data. MATLAB® offers numerous functions for easy access to different data formats and harmonizes with the different data logging mechanisms of TwinCAT. Simulink® is focused on integrated support for Model-Based Design (MBD). This involves development, testing and verification based on a system model. The subsequent, automatic code generation for platforms such as TwinCAT represents an optimal solution for applying the tested code in production. Simulink® provides all the resources required for modeling multi-physics simulations and generating algorithms for controlling, regulating and AI. As a result, only high-quality codes tested on models are used on controllers.

Technologies and products for TwinCAT 3

TE1400 TwinCAT 3 Target for Simulink®

With the TwinCAT 3 Target for Simulink® it is possible to make models developed in Simulink® usable in TwinCAT 3. Various toolboxes, e.g. SimScape™, Stateflow™ or DSP System Toolbox™ can be integrated in Simulink®. Embedded MATLAB® function blocks are also supported. The models are automatically compiled in C/C++ code with the aid of the Simulink Coder™ and transformed into real-time capable TwinCAT objects with TwinCAT 3 Target for Simulink®. TwinCAT objects created from Simulink® have the same interfaces and properties as all other TwinCAT objects. They can be used fully in TwinCAT 3 Engineering, e.g. expand to a complete project with a PLC source code, debug and link with fieldbus devices, see the documentation TE1400 TwinCAT 3 Target for Simulink®.

TE1401 TwinCAT 3 Target for MATLAB®

TwinCAT 3 Target for MATLAB® enables MATLAB® functions to be used in TwinCAT 3. The functions are automatically transferred to TwinCAT objects and used seamlessly in TwinCAT 3 Engineering. The automatically generated modules can be integrated into the TwinCAT solution on the one hand as a TcCOM object and on the other hand as a PLC function block, also as part of a specially created PLC library. The inserted modules are downloaded with the complete TwinCAT project into the TwinCAT 3 runtime, where they are executed within the real-time environment like all other objects, see the documentation TE1401 TwinCAT 3 Target for MATLAB®.

TE1410 TwinCAT 3 Interface for MATLAB®/Simulink®

TwinCAT 3 Interface for MATLAB®/Simulink® establishes high-performance bidirectional communication between the TwinCAT runtime and MATLAB® or Simulink®. You can even use it for software-in-the-loop simulation with Simulink® during the system engineering phase. During the machine runtime you realize with this product for example:

To the documentation of the TwinCAT 3 Interface for MATLAB®/Simulink®

TwinCAT basic technologies for MATLAB® and Simulink®

The tools presented in the following are free of license costs and are part of the TwinCAT 3 XAE or Full Setup.

TwinCAT 3 Block Diagram

The Block Diagram Viewer enables the display, debugging and parameterization of a TcCOM module via a block diagram displayed in the TwinCAT Engineering System. This tab is only available for TcCOM modules generated with Target for MATLAB® or Target for Simulink®. The export of the block diagram is optional for both targets.

Block diagram

TwinCAT 3 Automation Interface

The TwinCAT 3 Automation Interface is a programming interface for TwinCAT projects, i.e. you can create a configuration in the System Manager, create a PLC and insert code, and instantiate TcCOM objects without opening TwinCAT via Visual Studio or the TwinCAT XAE. This API is also available for MATLAB®, among others.

TwinCAT Automation Interface: use in MATLAB®