Ordering volume licenses
TwinCAT 3 volume licenses cannot be ordered without a corresponding (reference) hardware. TwinCAT 3 volume licenses are therefore always ordered and delivered in conjunction with a TwinCAT 3 license dongle or a Beckhoff IPC.
Please note that, if a volume license is required for a Beckhoff IPC, this Beckhoff IPC must be ordered together with the volume license, because only then can the volume ID required for the volume license be entered in the EPROM of the Beckhoff IPC during production.
Even a TwinCAT 3 license dongle with a volume license cannot be ordered separately (without license). It can only be ordered together with a corresponding TwinCAT 3 volume license, since otherwise the TwinCAT 3 license dongle cannot be used for a volume license.
Ordering process for TwinCAT 3 volume licenses
- Contact your local Beckhoff branch to request a TwinCAT 3 volume license.
- After consultation, your Beckhoff branch will create an individual TC3 Volume Bundle for you which is tailored exactly to your licensing requirements and has its own customer-specific order number in this format: "TC12xx-0000-yyyy" (calculation of one-off creation costs).
The TC3 Volume Bundle contains a precisely defined selection of TwinCAT 3 licenses for a defined TwinCAT 3 platform level. TwinCAT 3 volume licenses can be downgraded, i.e. they can also be used on IPCs with a lower performance level than the one specified in the license. - TwinCAT 3 license dongle as licensing basis:
For dongle-based volume licenses, the associated dongle is the leading item.
This dongle is a customer-specific item and can only be ordered by the approved customer.
EL6070-yyyy (volume license with an EL6070 EtherCAT license dongle)
C9900-L100-yyyy (volume license with a C9900-L100 USB license dongle)
Information: The TwinCAT 3 license dongle cannot be ordered separately (individually) without a volume license. - Beckhoff IPC as a licensing basis
Order the required batch size of Beckhoff IPCs using this format
IPC order number + TC3 Volume Bundle.
Example: CX5030 + TC12xx-0000-yyyy
Information: In this case, the IPC is not included in the order number for the TwinCAT 3 volume license.