TwinCAT 3 LicenseTANs
So-called "LicenseTANs" have been optionally available for the activation of TwinCAT 3 licenses since 01/01/2019.
They can be taken from the TwinCAT 3 license certificate and represent a sort of "serial number" of a TwinCAT license with which this license can be clearly identified:
TwinCAT 3 LicenseTANs are used in the activation of TwinCAT 3 licenses by the user in order to activate a clearly defined license (within an order).
As opposed to that, it is possible in principle to activate any licenses in an order with the help of the TwinCAT 3 License ID (-> reference to the order number).
(This also means that all licenses existing in an order can be activated if the License ID is known; if a TwinCAT 3 LicenseTAN is known, only this one associated license can be activated).
To make the simple and secure management of single TwinCAT 3 licenses possible for users, they can also be ordered in the form of single license certificates (i.e. each single license (and LicenseTAN) has its own license certificate). Please get in touch with your Beckhoff sales contact regarding this.
TwinCAT 3 LicenseTANs for different orders may be mixed and used within a License Request File.
This is not possible with the TwinCAT 3 License ID; a dedicated License Request File must be created for each License ID.