Creating License Request Files without TwinCAT Engineering (XAE)
A small unsupported tool is available for creating a License Request file without using TwinCAT 3 Engineering (XAE).

The tool requires Windows 7 (or its embedded version) or higher and cannot be used on Windows CE-based systems (Windows Embedded Compact).
Download: Tc3LicReqGen
- The tool must be executed directly on the target system.
- The tool can only generate License Request Files for the system on which it is executed.
- The tool cannot generate License Request Files for TwinCAT 3 license dongles connected to the system.
- TwinCAT 3 LicenseTANs are entered in the "Purchase Order" field (marked red). Multiple LicenseTANs are simply separated by a separator such as a comma or semicolon.
- No documentation or support is available for the tool.
- The included TMC files (= license description files) are not kept up to date. Therefore simply copy from a current TwinCAT 3 installation all files with the extension *.tmc from the directory C:\TwinCAT\3.1\Config\Io into the program directory of this tool.