Terminal Selection Diagram

After right-clicking on an existing terminal in the tree view and selecting "Add New Item…" in the context menu that opens, a selection dialog for the various terminals appears.

Terminal Selection Diagram 1:


A search text can be entered here. Under "Type" only those terminals are displayed that contain the search text.


The list shows the different Beckhoff Bus Terminals sorted by their main groups.


The identifier that is to appear in the tree view for the inserted terminal can be entered here for the selected terminal.


Inserts n terminals of the selected type one after the other into the configuration.


Here it is displayed or set to which port of its predecessor module the new module is attached.

Further Information

If a terminal and the check box are selected under Type, further information about the terminals is displayed under Type.

Show Hidden Devices

If a terminal and the check box are selected under Type, hidden terminals are displayed under Type.

Show Sub Groups

If the check box is selected, the terminals are displayed sorted into these subgroups if subgroups exist.


Integrates the selected terminals into the configuration.


Closes the dialogue without adding a terminal to the configuration.