Performing an update of the complete machine

Boot data have been generated for the machine platform by creating (or recreating) the TwinCAT project. A connection to the target system is not required when creating (or recreating) the project.
The real hardware configuration corresponds to the project configuration.
If the machine update is to be performed on several machines and not on a specific machine, the following options are activated:
Use Relative NetIds in the Routes settings (System > Routes, NetIdManagement tab) and
Virtual Device Names in the Adapter settings of all network and USB devices
(e.g. I/O > Devices > EtherCAT Master, Adapter tab)
The network adapter names of the machine must correspond to the adapter name of the configuration.
1. Copy the boot data of the TwinCAT project, i.e. all files and folders, from the folder
..\<Solution name>\<Project name>\_Boot\<Platform>\.
2. Replace the boot data in the machine's TwinCAT boot directory C:\TwinCAT\3.1\Boot\ by the copied boot data.
3. If you use C++ modules, please copy the C++ drivers (described in chapter Performing a C++ update).
4. Restart the machine's TwinCAT system.
The boot data of the TwinCAT system and thus the TwinCAT system itself are updated.