Example Listener

This sample illustrates the use of the TwinCAT 3 EventLogger in relation to messages and alarms. At the same time the reception of messages is shown in a second project.

Download the sample: https://github.com/Beckhoff/Tc3Eventlogger_Samples/tree/main/PLC/Tc3EventLogger_ListenerSample

Publisher project

Single BOOL variables are used as triggers in the Publisher project:

In addition there is an option to set the JSON attribute in order to send it with both messages.

Listener project

The Listener project contains a function block, FB_Listener, which extends the FB_ListenerBase function block contained in the Tc3_EventLogger. The function block implements the functions for receiving the messages:


Development environment

Target platform

PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.1.4024.17

PC or CX (x64, x86, ARM)

Tc3_EventLogger (>= v3.1.27.0)