TwinCAT Module Class Editor - Data Areas Symbols Properties
Data Areas Symbols Properties: Dialog to edit the data area symbols properties
General Properties
Name: Name for the interface
Specification: Data type of the parameter
Available specifications are:
- Alias: Create an alias of a default data type (e.g. INT)
- Array: Create a user specific array
- Enumeration: Create a user specific enum
- Struct: Create a user specific structure
- Interface: Create a new interface
Define the data type
Select: Select data type
Description: Define description
Type Information
Name: Name of the selected default type
Namespace: User-defined namespace for the data type
GUID: Unique ID of the data type
Optional data type settings
Offset [Bits]: Memory offset
Size [Bits]: Calculated size in bits
Unit: Optional
Comment: Optional
Create symbol: Default setting for ADS symbol creation