Basic Information

Basic information on the TMC file can be found here:

Basic Information 1:

Information about the provider

Name: This is the name of the provider.

Choose Image: A 16 x 16 pixel bitmap icon is entered here.

Reset image: Resets the module image to the standard value.

Versioned Classfactory

Name: Displays all class factories referenced from the TMC file. The class factory that implements the C++ project must be set. Typically this is the name of the project.
Used only for versioned C++ projects; otherwise "not set" appears here.

Version: The current version, consisting of four digits, each separated by a ".". At least one digit must not be 0.

Optional features

Generated by: This field indicates who created the file and who will maintain it. Please note that changes are no longer possible in the TMC Editor when filling out this field (deactivates all editing procedures).

Comment: Optionally, you can enter a comment here.