C++ Project -> Revision control

These instructions describe how to add subsequently a revision control to a TwinCAT C++ project.

The code to be changed is stored in bold in the source code.

C++ project. For the sample "Untitled1" is used as C++ project name.
In addition, an empty, new project with a versioned C++ project is to be created. This serves as a copy template.
1. Open the file Untitled1.vcxproj in an editor.
2. Make the following addition:
<PropertyGroup Label="Globals">
<PropertyGroup Label="TcGeneral">
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" />
3. Transfer the Untitled1.rc and Untitled1W32.rc files from the new project to the project to be migrated, overwriting the Untitled1.rc file.
4. Open the project.
5. Under TwinCAT UM Files -> Context menu / Add Existing Items select the file Unititled1W32.rc and add it to the project.
6. This file only needs to be built for TwinCAT UM platforms, so it should otherwise be excluded for the build process. This is done via right-click and properties:
C++ Project -> Revision control 1:
7. Open the TMC Editor.
8. Set the name of the class factory and the version to "".
C++ Project -> Revision control 2:
9. Under Deployment, delete all entries.
C++ Project -> Revision control 3:
10. Change in header Modul1.h DECLARE_IPERSIST_LIB():
11. Add Modul1.cpp to the source code:
#pragma hdrstop
#include "Module1.h"
#include "Untitled1Version.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
12. Add Modul1.cpp to the source code:

13. Call the code generator.
C++ Project -> Revision control 4:
14. Change in the file Untitled1Classfactory.cpp:
CUntitled1ClassFactory::CUntitled1ClassFactory() : CObjClassFactory()
#endif //defined(TCDBG_UNIT_VERSION)
15. Change the signing in the project properties in the tab Tc Sign. To do this, switch SHA1 signing off and TwinCAT signing on; provide TwinCAT user certificate and password at the same time.
C++ Project -> Revision control 5:
16. Trigger the Rebuild of the project.
The result is a C++ project that supports revision control.

If a module is to be made Online Change capable, this can be achieved by the following instructions.