Interface ITcCyclic

Interface ITcCyclic Interface is implemented by TwinCAT modules which should be called once per task cycle.


TCOM_DECL_INTERFACE("03000010-0000-0000-e000-000000000064", ITcCyclic)
struct__declspec(novtable) ITcCyclic : public ITcUnknown

Required include: TcIoInterfaces.h

Interface ITcCyclic 1: Methods




Is called once per task cycle if the interface is logged on to a cyclic caller.


The ITcCyclic interface is implemented by TwinCAT modules. This interface is passed to the ITcCyclicCaller::AddModule() method when a module logs on to a task, usually as the last initialization step in the transition from SafeOP to OP. After login, the CycleUpdate() method of the module instance is called.