
Generates an XML output that includes all currently configured mappings, e.g. between PLC and I/O.

HRESULT ProduceMappingInfo(); 



Return Values

STRING: Returns XML structure that includes all configured mappings. The following snippet shows an example for this structure:

    <OwnerA Name="TIID^Device 1 (EtherCAT)">
        <OwnerB Name="TIXC^Untitled2^Untitled2_Obj1 (CModule1)">
            <Link VarA="Term 1 (EK1100)^Term 3 (EL1008)^Channel 5^Input" VarB="Inputs^Value" />
            <Link VarA="Term 1 (EK1100)^Term 2 (EL2008)^Channel 4^Output" VarB="Outputs^Value" />
    <OwnerA Name="TIPC^Untitled1^Untitled1 Instance">
        <OwnerB Name="TIID^Device 1 (EtherCAT)^Term 1 (EK1100)^Term 2 (EL2008)">
            <Link VarA="PlcTask Outputs^MAIN.bOutput1" VarB="Channel 1^Output" />
            <Link VarA="PlcTask Outputs^MAIN.bOutput3" VarB="Channel 3^Output" />
            <Link VarA="PlcTask Outputs^MAIN.bOutput2" VarB="Channel 2^Output" />
        <OwnerB Name="TIID^Device 1 (EtherCAT)^Term 1 (EK1100)^Term 3 (EL1008)">
            <Link VarA="PlcTask Inputs^MAIN.bInput1" VarB="Channel 1^Input" />
            <Link VarA="PlcTask Inputs^MAIN.bInput3" VarB="Channel 3^Input" />
            <Link VarA="PlcTask Inputs^MAIN.bInput2" VarB="Channel 2^Input" />
            <Link VarA="PlcTask Inputs^MAIN.bInput4" VarB="Channel 4^Input" />

This example shows mappings between PLC <--> I/O and TcCOM (C++) <--> I/O.