Creating and handling Devicenet devices

Just like any other I/O component, Devicenet devices may be added via the TwinCAT Automation Interface by using the CreateChild() method of the ITcSmTreeItem interface. The SubType specifies the device that should be added.

Code Snippet (C#):

ITcSmTreeItem io = sysManager.LookupTreeItem("TIID");
ITcSmTreeItem devicenet1 = io.CreateChild("Device 1 (EL6752)", 88, null, null);
ITcSmTreeItem devicenet2 = io.CreateChild("Device 2 (EL6752-0010)", 99, null, null);

Code Snippet (Powershell):

$io = $sysManager.LookupTreeItem("TIID")
$devicenet1 = $io.CreateChild("Device 1 (EL6752)", 88, $null, $null)
$devicenet2 = $io.CreateChild("Device 2 (EL6752-0010)", 99, $null, $null)

The following table gives an overview about all Devicenet I/O devices and their corresponding SubTypes. If a device should be missing, you can always find out the SubType yourself by following our documentation article about the XML description of a tree item.



Devicenet Master FC52xx PCI


Devicenet Master EL6752 EtherCAT


Devicenet Slave FC52xx PCI


Devicenet Slave EL6752 EtherCAT


Devicenet Master CX1500-M520 PC104


Devicenet Slave CX1500-B520-PC104


Devicenet Monitor FC52xx PCI


Devicenet boxes can also be attached via CreateChild(). The SubType specifies the box that should be added.

Code Snippet (C#):

ITcSmTreeItem devicenet1box = devicenet1.CreateChild("Box 2 (EL6752-0010)", 5203, null, null);

Code Snippet (Powershell):

$devicenet1box = $devicenet1.CreateChild("Box 2 (EL6752-0010)", 5203, $null, $null)

To add variables to a Devicenet box, simply use the following code snippet. The vInfo parameter specifies the data type of the variable.

Code Snippet (C#):

ITcSmTreeItem inputVars = devicenet1box.LookupChild("Inputs");
inputVars.CreateChild("TestVarInt", 0, null, "INT");
inputVars.CreateChild("TestVarBool", 0, null, "BOOL");

Code Snippet (Powershell):

$inputVars = $devicenet1box.LookupChild("Inputs")
$inputVars.CreateChild("TestVarInt", 0, $null, "INT")
$inputVars.CreateChild("TestVarBool", 0, $null, "BOOL")