TcAdsClient.TryRead Method

Overload List




TcAdsClient.TryRead Method 1:

TryRead(UInt32, UInt32, AdsStream, Int32.)

Reads data synchronously from an ADS device and writes it to the given stream.

TcAdsClient.TryRead Method 2:

TryRead(Int32, AdsStream, Int32, Int32, Int32.)

Reads data synchronously from an ADS device and writes it to the given stream.

TcAdsClient.TryRead Method 3:

TryRead(UInt32, UInt32, .Byte., Int32, Int32, Int32.)

Reads data synchronously from an ADS device and writes it to the given stream.

TcAdsClient.TryRead Method 4:

TryRead(UInt32, UInt32, AdsStream, Int32, Int32, Int32.)

Reads data synchronously from an ADS device and writes it to the given stream.


TcAdsClient Class

TwinCAT.Ads Namespace