Manual Installation without Internet access
Because the TwinCAT XAE Management Powershell Module (TcXaeMgmt) is now available on the Powershell Gallery ( it is not necessary to activate the Powershell Module manually if Internet access available. For completeness and if no Internet is present the following steps show the manual installation process.
Check Installed Powershell Module
The TwinCAT Installation includes the setup for the Powershell TcXaeMgmt Module. It should already be existing under the folder
where [TWINCATINSTALL] indicates the TwinCAT root folder (c:\TwinCAT by default).
Check the Powershell Cmdlet Execution policy
What is left actually to the user is to activate that module in the Powershell environment.
If the policy is not set to ‘Unrestricted’ or ‘RemoteSigned’, Powershell does not allow to process scripts or Cmdlets. For more information, please see
PS> get-help about_Execution_Policies
If the execution policy is restricted, it has to be set to ‘RemoteSigned’ by a Powershell console with administrative rights:
PS C:\tfs> Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Execution Policy Change
The execution policy helps protect you from scripts that you do not trust. Changing the execution policy might expose you to the security risks described in the about_Execution_Policies help topic at Do you want to change the execution policy?
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "N"): y
Extend Powershell Module Search Path (PSModulePath)
As next step, the Powershell Search path for Powershell Modules must be extended, so that Powershell can find the TcXaeMgmt Cmdlets in the
Please check the Enviroment variable ‘PSModulePath’:
If the TwinCAT AdsApi path is not contained in the PSModulePath Variable, it should be set via the Windows Control Panel → System Properties → Advanced → Environment Variables Dialog.
Please add
e.g with
to the System wide ‘PSModulePath’ Variable. After a Powershell Console restart, the new setting should be available: