Enum Channel types
Define |
Channel types |
1 |
Standard |
2 |
Interpreter |
3 |
4 |
Kinematic transformation |
Enum Interpreter types
Define |
Interpreter types |
0 |
1 |
NC Interpreter DIN 66025 (GST) |
2 |
NC Interpreter DIN 66025 (Classic Dialect) |
Enum Interpreter Operation modes
Define |
interpreter/channel operation mode |
0x0 |
Default (deactivates the other modes) |
0x1 |
Single block mode in the NC core (Block execution task/SAF) |
0x1000 |
reserved |
0x2000 |
reserved |
0x4000 |
Single block mode in the interpreter |
Enum Interpolation load log mode
Define |
Load log mode |
0 |
Loader log off |
1 |
Source only |
2 |
Source & Compiled |
Enum Interpolation Trace mode
Define | Trace mode |
0 | Trace off |
1 | Trace line numbers |
2 | Trace Source |
Enum Interpreter state
moved to: System Manager interface for the interpreter - interpreter element
Enum Group types
Define |
Group types |
0 |
1 |
PTP-Group + x Slave |
2 |
1D-Group + x Slave |
3 |
2D-Group + x Slave |
4 |
3D-Group + x Slave |
5 |
High/low speed + x Slave |
6 |
Low cost stepper motor (dig. IO) + x Slave |
7 |
Table Group + x Slave |
9 |
Encoder Group + x Slave |
11 |
FIFO Group + x Slave |
12 |
Kinematic Transformation Group + x Slave |
Enum Curve velocity reduction method
moved to: System Manager interface for the interpreter - group element
Enum Axis types
Define | Axis types |
1 | Continuous axis (Servo) |
2 | Discrete axis (high/low speed) |
3 | Continuous axis (stepper motor) |
5 | Encoder axis |
6 | Continuous axis (with operation mode switch for position/pressure control) |
7 | Time Base Generator |
100 |
Enum Stepper motor operation mode
Define |
Stepper motor operation mode |
0 |
1 |
2-phase excitation (4 cycles) |
2 |
1-2-phase excitation (6 cycles) |
3 |
Power section |
Enum Override types for PTP axes (velocity override)
Define |
Override types |
1 |
Reduced Old variant, replaced by "(3) Reduced (iterated)" |
2 |
Original Old variant, replaced by "(4) Original (iterated)" |
3 |
Reduced (iterated) Default value: the override value is related to the velocity which is internally reduced in a special case. This results in a directly proportional velocity (=> linear relationship) for the entire override range from 0 to 100%. |
4 |
Original (iterated) The override value is always referred to the velocity programmed by the user. If this velocity cannot be driven, however, then a maximum override value results from which no higher velocity can be reached (=> limitation). |
Enum Group/axis start types
Define |
Group/axis start types |
0 |
1 |
Absolute start |
2 |
Relative start |
3 |
Continuous start positive |
4 |
Continuous start negative |
5 |
Modulo start (OLD) |
261 |
Modulo start on the shortest distance |
517 |
Modulo start in positive direction (with modulo tolerance window) |
773 |
Modulo start in negative direction (with modulo tolerance window) |
4096 |
Stop and lock (axis locked for motion commands) |
8192 |
Halt (without motion lock) |
Enum Command buffer types (buffer mode) for universal axis start (UAS)
Define |
Buffer mode |
0 |
ABORTING (default) (instantaneous, aborts current movement and deletes any buffered commands) |
1 |
BUFFERED (stored in command buffer to be executed after an active movement) |
18 |
BLENDING LOW (buffered, no stop, runs through intermediate target position at the lowest velocity of two commands) |
19 |
BLENDING PREVIOUS (buffered, no stop, runs through intermediate target position at the velocity of the active command) |
20 |
BLENDING NEXT (buffered, no stop, runs through intermediate target position at the velocity of the buffered command) |
21 |
BLENDING HIGH (buffered, no stop, runs through intermediate target position at the highest velocity of two commands) |
Enum End position types (new end position)
Define |
End position types |
0 |
1 |
Absolute position |
2 |
Relative position |
3 |
Continuous position positive |
4 |
Continuous position negative |
5 |
Modulo position |
Enum Command types for new end position with new velocity (new end position and/or new velocity)
Define |
Command types for new end position with new velocity |
0 |
1 |
Position (instantaneous) |
2 |
Velocity (instantaneous) |
3 |
Position and velocity (instantaneous) |
9 |
Position (switching position) |
10 |
Velocity (switching position) |
11 |
Position and velocity (switching position) |
Enum Actual position types (set actual position)
Define |
Actual position types |
0 |
1 |
Absolute position |
2 |
Relative position |
5 |
Modulo position |
Enum Compensation types (section compensation or superimposed)
Define |
Compensation types |
0 |
1 |
VELOREDUCTION_ADDITIVEMOTION The max. velocity VelocityDiff is reduced. The path over which the compensation trip is effective consists of length + distance. |
2 |
VELOREDUCTION_LIMITEDMOTION The max. velocity VelocityDiff is reduced. The path over which the compensation trip is effective is defined by the Length parameter. |
3 |
LENGTHREDUCTION_ADDITIVEMOTION The max. available path is reduced and consists of length + distance. The system tries to utilize the max. veloc. VelocityDiff. |
4 |
LENGTHREDUCTION_LIMITEDMOTION The max. available path is reduced and is limited by the Length parameter. The system tries to utilize the max. veloc. VelocityDiff. |
Enum Slave types
Define |
Slave types |
0 |
1 |
Linear |
2 |
Flying saw (velocity, jerk restricted profile) |
3 |
Flying saw (position and velocity, jerk restricted profile) |
5 |
Synchronization generator (velocity, jerk restricted profile) |
6 |
Synchronization generator (position and velocity, jerk restricted profile) |
10 |
Tabular |
11 |
Multi-tabular |
13 |
'Motion Function' (MF) |
15 |
Linear with cyclic gearing factor change (ramp filter for acceleration limits) |
100 |
Specific |
Enum Slave decoupling types (for subsequent axis command)
Define |
Slave decoupling types (for subsequent axis command) |
0 |
Stop, E-stop or P-stop (default) (STOP) |
1 |
Oriented stop (O-stop) (ORIENTEDSTOP) |
2 |
Reduce any acceleration to 0 (force-free) and continue to endless target position (ENDLESS) |
3 |
Continue to endless target position at new requested velocity (ENDLESS_NEWVELO) |
4 |
New end position (NEWPOS) |
5 |
New end position and new requested velocity (NEWPOSANDVELO) |
6 |
Logical decoupling and stopping of axis immediately without velocity ramp (INSTANTANEOUSSTOP) |
Enum Controller types
Define |
Controller types |
0 |
1 |
P-controller (standard) (Position) |
2 |
PP-controller (with ka) (Position) |
3 |
PID-controller (with ka) (Position) |
5 |
P-controller (Velocity) |
6 |
PI controller (Velocity) |
7 |
High/low speed controller (Position) |
8 |
Stepper motor controller (Position) |
9 |
SERCOS controller (Position in the drive) |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
TCom Controller (Soft Drive) (Position in the drive) |
Enum Controller Observer mode
Define |
Controller observer mode |
0 |
No observer active (default) |
1 |
"Luenberger" observer (classic observer design) |
Enum Encoder types
Define |
Encoder types |
0 |
1 |
Simulation Encoder (Incremental) |
2 |
M3000 Encoder (Multi/Single-Turn) (Absolute) |
3 |
M31x0 / M2000 Encoder (Incremental) |
4 |
MDP 511 Encoder: EL7041, EL7342, EL5101, EL5151, EL2521, EL5021, IP5101 (Incremental) |
5 |
MDP 500/501 Enc.: EL5001, IP5009, KL5001 (SSI) (Absolute) |
6 |
MDP 510 Encoder: KL5051, KL2502-30K Encoder (BiSSI) (Incremental) |
7 |
KL30xx Encoder (Analog) (Absolute) |
8 |
SERCOS and EtherCAT SoE (Position) (Incremental) |
9 |
SERCOS and EtherCAT SoE (Position and velocity) (Incremental) |
10 |
Binary encoder (0/1) (Incremental) |
11 |
M2510 Encoder (Absolut) |
12 |
FOX50 Encoder (Absolute) |
14 |
AX2000 (Lightbus) (Incremental) |
15 |
Provi-Drive MC (Simodrive 611U) (Incremental) |
16 |
Universal encoder (variable bit mask) (Incremental) |
17 |
NC rear panel (Incremental) |
18 |
Special CANopen type (e.g. Lenze Drive 9300) (Incremental) |
19 |
MDP 513 (DS402): CANopen and EtherCAT CoE (AX2xx-B1x0/B510, EL7201) (Incremental) |
20 |
AX2xx-B900 (Ethernet) (Incremental) |
21 |
KL5151 Encoder (Incremental) |
24 |
IP5209 Encoder (Incremental) |
25 |
KL2531/KL2541 Encoder (Stepper Motor) (Incremental) |
26 |
KL2532/KL2542 Encoder (DC motor), KL2535/KL2545 (PWM current terminal) (Incremental) |
27 |
Time base encoder (Time Base Generator) (Incremental) |
28 |
TCom Encoder (Soft Drive) (Incremental) |
Enum Encoder mode
Define |
Encoder mode |
0 |
1 |
Determination of position |
2 |
Determination of position and velocity |
3 |
Determination of position, velocity and acceleration |
Enum Encoder evaluation direction (log. counting direction)
Define | Encoder evaluation direction (log. counting direction) |
0 | Evaluation in positive and negative counting direction (default configuration, i.e. compatible with the previous state) |
1 | Evaluation only in positive counting direction |
2 | Evaluation only in negative counting direction |
3 | Evaluation neither in positive nor in negative counting direction (evaluation blocked) |
![]() | Not for all encoder types; only for KL5101, KL5151, KL2531, KL2541, IP5209, Universal encoder, etc. |
| Encoder types | ||
Encoder evaluation direction | KL5101, ... | Universal Encoder | other types |
0: positive and negative | √ | √ | — |
1: only positive | √ | √ | — |
2: only negative | √ | √ | — |
3: blocked | √ | √ | — |
Enum Encoder sign interpretation (data type)
Define | Sign interpretation (data type) of the encoder actual increments |
0 | NOT DEFINED (default configuration, i.e. compatible with the previous state) |
1 | UNSIGNED: unsigned interpretation of the encoder actual increments |
2 | SIGNED: signed interpretation of the encoder actual increments |
![]() | For KL30xx/KL31xx only for the time being |
Enum Encoder absolute dimensioning system
Define | Encoder absolute dimensioning system |
0 | INC: Incremental absolute dimension system with underflow and overflow offset (default, i.e. compatible with the previous state) |
1 | ABS: Absolute dimension system without underflow and overflow offset (no underflow or overflow of the encoder allowed) |
2 | ABS MODULO: Conditionally absolute dimension system, since it has underflow and overflow offset (absolute value that modulo (endless) continues) |
![]() | Not for all encoder types; only for Profi Drive MC, M3000, KL5001/EL5001, IP5009, SERCOS, UNIVERSAL, etc. |
Enum referencing mode for incremental encoder
Define | Parameter text | Referencing mode for incremental encoder |
0 | Default | NOT DEFINED (default assignment, i.e. compatible with the previous status) |
1 | Homing Sensor Only (PLC cam or digital input) | Latch event: shutdown of the PLC cam (negative edge) |
2 | Hardware Sync (feedback reference pulse) | Latch event: hardware sync pulse (zero track) |
3 | Hardware Latch 1 (pos. Edge) | Latch event: external hardware latch with positive edge (measuring probe or, respectively, measurement on the fly with positive edge) |
4 | Hardware Latch 1 (neg. Edge) | Latch event: external hardware latch with negative edge (measuring probe or, respectively, measurement on the fly with negative edge) |
5 | Software Sync | Latch event: synthetically emulated software sync pulse (software zero track); PREREQUISITE: absolute per motor revolution, e.g. resolver! |
6 | Hardware Latch 1 (pos. Edge), Drive defined | Latch event: hardware latch event defined in the drive with positive edge (e.g. for SoftDrive) |
7 | Hardware Latch 1 (neg. edge), Drive defined | Latch event: hardware latch event defined in the drive with negative edge (e.g. for SoftDrive) |
20 | Application (PLC code) | User-specific implementation of referencing (PLC code): user request is signaled to the PLC by means of the ApplicationRequest bit |
| : latch event | |||||
Encoder types | 0: not defined | 1: PLC cam (neg. edge) | 2: hardware sync pulse (zero/C-track) | 3: external hardware latch with pos. edge | 4: external hardware latch with neg. edge | 5: software sync pulse (software zero track) |
AX2xxx-B200 (Lightbus) | — | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ (resolver only) |
AX2xxx-B510 (CANopen) | — | √ | — | — | — | √ |
AX2xxx-B1x0 (EtherCAT) | — | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
AX2xxx-B900 (Ethernet) | — | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ (resolver only) |
Sercos | — | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ (see "Reference mask" parameter) |
Profi Drive | — | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
KL5101 | — | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
KL5111 | — | √ | √ | — | — | √ |
KL5151 | — | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ (not meaningful) |
IP5209 | — | √ | √ | — | — | √ (not meaningful) |
CANopen (e.g. Lenze) | — | √ | — | √ (input E1) | √ (input E2) | √ (resolver only) |
other types | — | — | — | — | — | — |
Enum Homing Sensor Source
The parameter sets the source of the digital input of the referencing cam (homing sensor). At the same time it is determined whether the signal is Active High or Active Low.
Define | Parameter text | Homing Sensor Source |
0 | Default: PLC cam (MC_Home) | Referencing cam is provided by the PLC. Input bCalibrationCam of the MC_Home function block. |
1 | Digital Input 1 (Active High), device dependent mapping | Drive->Inputs->nState8.bit0 |
2 | Digital Input 2 (Active High), device dependent mapping | Drive->Inputs->nState8.bit1 |
3 | Digital Input 3 (Active High) | Drive->Inputs->nState8.bit2 |
4 | Digital Input 4 (Active High) | Drive->Inputs->nState8.bit3 |
5 | Digital Input 5 (Active High) | Drive->Inputs->nState8.bit4 |
6 | Digital Input 6 (Active High) | Drive->Inputs->nState8.bit5 |
7 | Digital Input 7 (Active High) | Drive->Inputs->nState8.bit6 |
8 | Digital Input 8 (Active High) | Drive->Inputs->nState8.bit7 |
9 | Digital Input 1 (Active Low), device dependent mapping | Drive->Inputs->nState8.bit2 |
10 | Digital Input 2 (Active Low), device dependent mapping | Drive->Inputs->nState8.bit0 |
11 | Digital Input 3 (Active Low) | Drive->Inputs->nState8.bit1 |
12 | Digital Input 4 (Active Low) | Drive->Inputs->nState8.bit2 |
13 | Digital Input 5 (Active Low) | Drive->Inputs->nState8.bit3 |
14 | Digital Input 6 (Active Low) | Drive->Inputs->nState8.bit4 |
15 | Digital Input 7 (Active Low) | Drive->Inputs->nState8.bit5 |
16 | Digital Input 8 (Active Low) | Drive->Inputs->nState8.bit6 |
Digital Input [1-8]
A digital input linked to the NC process is used. For this purpose, a general Drive Status Byte with 8 digital inputs is defined in the process image (Drive->Inputs->nState8), which can serve as a signal source for the homing sensor. A digital input to be used must therefore be mapped manually to the desired position in this byte.
![]() | The digital inputs 1 and 2 may differ depending on the hardware used. For the MDP703/733 hardware (e.g. EL7031, EL7041, EL7201, EL7411) the direct digital inputs E1 and E2 of the terminal are used instead, which are located in the Drive.nState2 byte of the terminal at bit position 3 (E1) and 4 (E2). The lower two bits of Drive.nState8 are not assigned in this case. |
Enum Drive types
Define |
Drive types |
0 |
1 |
Analog Servo Drive: M2400 DAC 1 (Analog) |
2 |
Analog Servo Drive: M2400 DAC 2 (Analog) |
3 |
Analog Servo Drive: M2400 DAC 3 (Analog) |
4 |
Analog Servo Drive: M2400 DAC 4 (Analog) |
5 |
MDP 252 Drive: Analog Servo Drive: KL4xxx, KL2502-30K (Analog) |
6 |
MDP 252 Drive: Analog Servo Drive (non-linear): KL4xxx, KL2502-30K (Analog) |
7 |
High/low speed drive (Digital) |
8 |
Stepper motor drive (Digital) |
9 |
SERCOS-Drive (Digital) |
10 |
MDP 510 Drive: KL5051 (BiSSI-Interface) (Digital) |
11 |
AX2000 (Lightbus) (Digital) |
12 |
Provi-Drive MC (Simodrive 611U) (Digital) |
13 |
Universal Drive (Analog) |
14 |
NC rear panel (Analog) |
15 |
Special CANopen type (e.g. Lenze Drive 9300) (Digital) |
16 |
MDP 742 (DS402): CANopen and EtherCAT CoE (AX2xx-B1x0/B510) (Digital) |
17 |
AX2xx-B900 Drive (Ethernet) (Digital) |
20 |
KL2531/KL2541 Encoder (Stepper Motor) (Digital) |
21 |
KL2532/KL2542 Encoder (DC motor), KL2535/KL2545 Encoder (PWM current terminal) (Digital) |
22 |
TCom Drive (Soft Drive) (Digital) |
23 |
MDP 733 Drive: Profile MDP 733 (EL7332, EL7342, EP7342) (Digital) |
24 |
MDP 703 Drive: Profile MDP 703 (EL7031, EL7041, EP7041) (Digital) |
Enum Drive-Output-Start types
Define |
Enum Drive-Output-Start types |
0 |
1 |
Output value in percent |
2 |
Output as velocity, e.g. m/min |
Enum Drive Operation Mode
Define | Drive Operation Mode (generic operation modes independent from drive) |
0 | DEFAULT Mode |
1 (standard type) | torque control |
2 (standard type) | velocity control with feedback 1 |
3 (standard type) | velocity control with feedback 2 |
4 (standard type) | position control with feedback 1 (lag less) |
5 (standard type) | position control with feedback 2 (lag less) |
6 (CANopen/CoE specific) | torque control with commutation angle |
17 (oversampling type) | torque control using dynamic container |
18 (oversampling type) | velocity control with feedback 1 using dynamic container |
19 (oversampling type) | velocity control with feedback 2 using dynamic container |
20 (oversampling type) | position control with feedback 1 (lag less) using dynamic container |
21 (oversampling type) | position control with feedback 2 (lag less) using dynamic container |
38 (CANopen/CoE specific) | IO drive controlled homing mode (for third party devices) |
100 (Sercos/SoE specific) | Sercos/SoE primary operation mode 0 (s. S-0-0032) |
101 (Sercos/SoE specific) | Sercos/SoE secondary operation mode 1 (s. S-0-0033) |
102 (Sercos/SoE specific) | Sercos/SoE secondary operation mode 2 (s. S-0-0034) |
103 (Sercos/SoE specific) | Sercos/SoE secondary operation mode 3 (s. S-0-0035) |
104 (Sercos/SoE specific) | Sercos/SoE secondary operation mode 4 (s. S-0-0284) |
105 (Sercos/SoE specific) | Sercos/SoE secondary operation mode 5 (s. S-0-0285) |
106 (Sercos/SoE specific) | Sercos/SoE secondary operation mode 6 (s. S-0-0286) |
107 (Sercos/SoE specific) | Sercos/SoE secondary operation mode 7 (s. S-0-0287) |
Enum Moving phases / Movement state for master axes
Define |
Moving phases / Movement state (distinction between internal and external setpoint generation) |
Internal setpoint generation | |
0 |
Setpoint generator not active (INACTIVE) |
1 |
Setpoint generator active (RUNNING) |
2 |
Velocity override is zero (OVERRIDE_ZERO) |
3 |
Constant velocity (PHASE_VELOCONST) |
4 |
Acceleration phase (PHASE_ACCPOS) |
5 |
Deceleration phase (PHASE_ACCNEG) |
External setpoint generation: | |
41 |
External setpoint generation active (EXTSETGEN_MODE1) |
42 |
Internal and external setpoint generation active (EXTSETGEN_MODE2) |
Enum Moving phases / Movement state for slave axes
Define | Moving phases / Movement state |
0 | Slave generator not active (INACTIVE) |
11 | Slave is in a movement pre-phase (PRE-PHASE) |
12 | Slave is synchronizing (SYNCHRONIZING) |
13 | Slave is synchronized and moves synchronously (SYNCHRON) |
![]() | Only for slaves of the type synchronization generator for the time being |
Enum Table main types
Define |
Table main types |
1 |
(n*m) Cam plate tables (Camming) |
10 |
(n*m) Characteristic curves tables (Characteristics) (e.g. hydraulic valve characteristic curves) Only non-cyclic table sub-types (1, 3) are supported! |
16 |
(n*m) "Motion Function" tables (MF) Only non-equidistant table sub-types (3, 4) are supported! |
Enum Table sub-types
Define |
Table sub types |
1 |
(n*m) Table with equidistant master positions and no cyclic continuation of the master profile (equidistant linear) |
2 |
(n*m) Table with equidistant master positions and cyclic continuation of the master profile (equidistant cyclic) |
3 |
(n*m) Table with non-equidistant, but strictly monotonously increasing master positions and a non-cyclic continuation of the master profile (monotonously linear) |
4 |
(n*m) Table with non-equidistant, but strictly monotonously increasing master positions and a cyclic continuation of the master profile (monotonously cyclic) |
Enum Table interpolation types
Define |
Table interpolation types between the reference points |
0 |
Linear interpolation (NC_INTERPOLATIONTYPE_LINEAR) (Standard) |
1 |
4-point interpolation (NC_INTERPOLATIONTYPE_4POINT) (for equidistant table types only) |
2 |
Cubic spline interpolation of all reference points ("global spline") (NC_INTERPOLATIONTYPE_SPLINE |
3 |
Sliding cubic spline interpolation via n interpolation points ("local spline") (NC_INTERPOLATIONTYPE_SLIDINGSPLINE) |
Enum table operation mode
Define | Table operation mode for adding, exchange and removal of tables |
0 | (default) |
1 | Additive – addition of a further table |
2 | Exchange – replacement of an existing table with a new table |
3 | Remove – removal of an existing table |
Structure of tabular (cam) coupling informationen
Tables |
| (CAM) Coupling information |
nTableID; | 1. | cam table ID |
nInterpolationType; | 4. | e.g. LINEAR, 4POINT, SPLINE |
nNumberOfRows; | 5. | number of rows/elements |
nNumberOfColumns; | 6. | number of columns |
fMasterCamStartPos | 7. | master camming start position (first point in tabular) |
fSlaveCamStartPos | 8. | slave camming start position (first point in tabular) |
fRawMasterPeriod; | 9. | master period/cycle (raw value, not scaled) |
fRawSlaveStroke; | 10. | slave difference per master period/cycle (raw value, not scaled) |
fMasterAxisCouplingPos | 11. | total absolute master offset of cam origin when slave has been coupled |
fSlaveAxisCouplingPos | 12. | total absolute slave offset of cam origin when slave has been coupled |
nMasterAbsolute | 13. | master absolute position (0/1) |
nSlaveAbsolute | 14. | slave absolute position (0/1) |
fMasterOffset; | 15. | total master offset |
fSlaveOffset; | 16. | total slave offset |
fMasterScaling; | 17. | total master scaling |
fSlaveScaling; | 18. | total slave scaling |
fSumOfSlaveStrokes | 19. | sum of the slave srokes up to “fActualMasterAxisPos” |
fSumOfSuperpositionDistance | 20. | sum of superposition distance (position compensation offset) |
fActualMasterAxisPos; | 21. | actual master axis setpos (absolute) |
fActualSlaveAxisPos; | 22. | actual slave axis setpos (absolute) |
fActualMasterCamPos; | 23. | actual master cam setpos |
fActualSlaveCamPos; | 24. | actual master cam setpos |
nSlaveStateDWord | 25. | slave state DWORD (s. AxisRef) |
. . . | . . . | . . . |
Structure of the characteristic values
Characteristic values | ||
fMasterVeloNom; | 1. | master nominal velocity (standardized: => 1.0) |
fMasterPosStart; | 2. | master start position |
fSlavePosStart; | 3. | slave start position |
fSlaveVeloStart; | 4. | slave start velocity |
fSlaveAccStart; | 5. | slave start acceleration |
fSlaveJerkStart; | 6. | slave start jerk |
fMasterPosEnd; | 7. | master end position |
fSlavePosEnd; | 8. | slave end position |
fSlaveVeloEnd; | 9. | slave end velocity |
fSlaveAccEnd; | 10. | slave end acceleration |
fSlaveJerkEnd; | 11. | slave end jerk |
fMPosAtSPosMin; | 12. | master pos. at slave min. position |
fSlavePosMin; | 13. | slave minimum position |
fMPosAtSVeloMin; | 14. | master pos. at slave min. velocity |
fSlaveVeloMin; | 15. | slave minimum velocity |
fMPosAtSAccMin; | 16. | master pos. at slave min. acceleration |
fSlaveAccMin; | 17. | slave minimum acceleration |
fSVeloAtSAccMin; | 18. | slave velocity at slave min. acceleration |
fSlaveJerkMin; | 19. | slave minimum jerk |
fSlaveDynMomMin; | 20. | slave minimum dynamic momentum (NOT SUPPORTED YET!) |
fMPosAtSPosMax; | 21. | master pos. at slave max. position |
fSlavePosMax; | 22. | slave maximum position |
fMPosAtSVeloMax; | 23. | master pos. at slave max. velocity |
fSlaveVeloMax; | 24. | slave maximum velocity |
fMPosAtSAccMax; | 25. | master pos. at slave max. acceleration |
fSlaveAccMax; | 26. | slave maximum acceleration |
fSVeloAtSAccMax; | 27. | slave velocity at slave max. acceleration |
fSlaveJerkMax; | 28. | slave maximum jerk |
fSlaveDynMomMax; | 29. | slave minimum dynamic momentum (NOT SUPPORTED YET!) |
fSlaveVeloMean; | 30. | slave mean absolute velocity |
fSlaveAccEff; | 31. | slave effective acceleration |
nCamTableID; | 32. | Cam table ID |
nNumberOfRows; | 33. | Number of rows/entries e.g. number of points |
nNumberOfColums; | 34. | Number of columns (typically1 or 2) |
nCamTableType; | 35. | cam table type (10=EQUIDIST, 11=NONEQUIDIST, 22=MOTIONFUNC, 23=CHARACTERISTIC) |
nPeriodic; | 36. | linear or cyclic/periodic |
nReserved | 37. | reserved |
Enum Axis control loop switch types
Define | Axis control loop switch types |
1 | Simple switching (similar to an axis reset) (STANDARD) |
2 | Switching/synchronization by means of I/D-part of the controller to an internal initial value (jerk-free/smooth) |
3 | Switching/synchronization by means of I/D-part of the controller to a parameterizable initial value |