
The AdsToJava.dll is a library, which allows your software communicating with ADS devices.

Notice: To create a new project which uses the AdsToJava.dll the TcJavaToAds.jar needs to be added to it. Importing the de.beckhoff.jni.tcads package then allows you to use all of the provided functions, objects and constants. Additionaly, the AdsToJava.dll has to be copied to "Windows\System32".

The TcJavaToAds.jar can be found at "TwinCAT\ADS Api\AdsToJava". The AdsToJava.dll is located in the subfolder "XP" (An additional version for WinCE does exist and is located in the subfolder "CE").

The Information System provides a list of samples where the use of the AdsToJava.dll in combination with the TcJavaToAds.jar is explained. It can be found here.