AdsClientSettings.FastWriteThrough Property

Gets a Settings object that configures the AdsClient for FastWriteThrough

Namespace:  TwinCAT.Ads
Assembly:  TwinCAT.Ads (in TwinCAT.Ads.dll) Version: 6.0.328+39e3229



public static AdsClientSettings FastWriteThrough { get; }

Property Value

Type: AdsClientSettings
Client settings for a fast write through (with 200 ms Timeout).


The settings typically can be used for polling clients, where the "FailFast" feature will be bypassed. That means, that communication fails doesn't trigger the FailFast interceptor and every Request will go out via ADS. This has the Drawback that communication Timeouts are longer and subsequent timeouts block the ADS mailbox (with the danger of overflows). So use this setting with care for specific purposes and should not be used for standard communication.


AdsClientSettings Class

TwinCAT.Ads Namespace