Value marshalling with ANYTYPE concept
This topic describes reading and writing variables/symbols of 'any' type with the help of the ReadAny and WriteAny (ReadSymbol, WriteSymbol) methods. The value will be marshalled / cast directly from/to its appropriate .NET type, what eases the value access.
'Any' types in this context are all types that are 'blittable' to the process image - what means that the memory layout on both sides of the data transfer is equal (e.g some primitive types) or can be marshalled by the marshalling mechanisms of .NET (see 'PlcStruct' in the example below). The memory layout specification can be customized with the 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute' on the .NET side (see MSDN) and the 'pack_mode' attribute on the TwinCAT PLC Side (TwinCAT 3). TwinCAT 2 only supports a memory layout of PACK = 1.
The appropriate .NET type must be known during compile time and is passed to the methods as parameter. In case of a ReadAny call, the read data will be returned as a object. The type of the object is marshalled to the type specified as parameter type. Because the data size and the memory alignment is taken from this type specification, it is so important that this specification fits to the memory representation in the ADS device (e.g. the PLC).
Because some data types(arrays and strings) need additional information, an overload of the method ReadAny exists, that takes an additional parameter args. A Full list of supported types can be found in the documentation of the overloaded method.
Reading and writing of structures
To be able to read or write PLC structures the memory layout of the structure or class in .NET must be the same as in the PLC. The layout of a structure or class can be specified with the attribute StructLayoutAttribute. The LayoutKind must be set to LayoutKind.Sequential and the pack must be set to 1
If arrays, strings or boolean values are define the class, one has to specify how these fields should be marshalled. This is accomplished with help of the MarshalAs attribute. Because arrays and strings do not have a fixed length in .NET, the property SizeConst is necessary for arrays and strings.
Marshalling values with 'ANY_TYPES' asynchronously
CancellationToken cancel = CancellationToken.None;
using (AdsClient client = new AdsClient())
client.Connect(AmsNetId.Local, 851);
// Bool value
bool boolValue = false;
ResultAnyValue resultBoolValue = await client.ReadValueAsync("MAIN.bool1", typeof(bool),cancel);
boolValue = (bool)resultBoolValue.Value;
ResultWrite resultWrite = await client.WriteValueAsync("MAIN.bool1", boolValue,cancel);
// or
ResultHandle resultHandleBool = await client.CreateVariableHandleAsync("MAIN.bool1",cancel); // BOOL
//resultHandleBool.ThrowOnError(); // or
if (resultHandleBool.Succeeded)
ResultAnyValue resultReadBool = await client.ReadAnyAsync(resultHandleBool.Handle, typeof(bool), cancel);
boolValue = (bool)resultReadBool.Value;
ResultWrite resultWriteBool = await client.WriteAnyAsync(resultHandleBool.Handle, boolValue, cancel);
ResultAds resultHandleDeleteBool = await client.DeleteVariableHandleAsync(resultHandleBool.Handle, cancel);
// RealValue
ResultHandle resultHandleReal = await client.CreateVariableHandleAsync("MAIN.real1",cancel); // REAL
if (resultHandleReal.Succeeded)
ResultAnyValue resultReadReal = await client.ReadAnyAsync(resultHandleReal.Handle, typeof(float), cancel); // REAL
ResultWrite resultWriteReal = await client.WriteAnyAsync(resultHandleReal.Handle, resultReadReal.Value, cancel);
ResultAds resultHandleDeleteReal = await client.DeleteVariableHandleAsync(resultHandleReal.Handle, cancel);
// String
ResultHandle resultHandleString = await client.CreateVariableHandleAsync("MAIN.string1",cancel); // STRING[80]
if (resultHandleString.Succeeded)
ResultAnyValue resultReadString = await client.ReadAnyAsync(resultHandleString.Handle, typeof(string), new int[] { 80 }, cancel); // Needs additional para for strlen
ResultWrite resultWriteString = await client.WriteAnyAsync(resultHandleString.Handle, resultReadString.Value, new int[] { 80 }, cancel);
ResultAds resultHandleDeleteString = await client.DeleteVariableHandleAsync(resultHandleString.Handle, cancel);
// ushort[]
ResultHandle resultHandleArray = await client.CreateVariableHandleAsync("MAIN.uint1Arr", cancel); // ARRAY [0..9] OF UINT
if (resultHandleArray.Succeeded)
ResultAnyValue resultReadArray = await client.ReadAnyAsync(resultHandleArray.Handle, typeof(ushort[]), new int[] { 10 }, cancel);
ushort[] arrayValue = (ushort[])resultReadArray.Value;
ResultWrite resultWriteArray = await client.WriteAnyAsync(resultHandleArray.Handle, arrayValue, new int[] { 10 }, cancel);
ResultAds resultHandleDeleteArray = await client.DeleteVariableHandleAsync(resultHandleArray.Handle, cancel);
// Complex Struct Type
// Take care the the corresponding .NET Type is blittable / marshallable to the PLC type
ResultHandle resultHandleStruct = await client.CreateVariableHandleAsync("MAIN.struct",cancel);
if (resultHandleStruct.Succeeded)
ResultAnyValue resultReadStruct = await client.ReadAnyAsync(resultHandleStruct.Handle, typeof(PlcStruct), cancel);
PlcStruct structValue = (PlcStruct)resultReadStruct.Value;
ResultWrite resultWriteStruct = await client.WriteAnyAsync(resultHandleStruct.Handle, structValue, cancel);
ResultAds resultHandleDeleteStruct = await client.DeleteVariableHandleAsync(resultHandleStruct.Handle, cancel);
// ARRAY [0..9] OF STRING[80]
// args[0] --> Number of Characters
// args[1] --> Number of Array Elements
// Needs additional para for strlen and number of Elements in Array
ResultHandle resultHandleStringArray = await client.CreateVariableHandleAsync("MAIN.stringArr",cancel); // ARRAY [0..9] OF STRING[80]
if (resultHandleStringArray.Succeeded)
ResultAnyValue resultReadStringArray = await client.ReadAnyAsync(resultHandleStringArray.Handle, typeof(string[]), new int[] { 80, 10 }, cancel);
string[] stringArrValue = (string[])resultReadStringArray.Value;
ResultWrite resultWriteStringArray = await client.WriteAnyAsync(resultHandleStringArray.Handle, stringArrValue, new int[] { 80, 10 }, cancel);
ResultAds resultHandleDeleteStringArray = await client.DeleteVariableHandleAsync(resultHandleStringArray.Handle, cancel);
Defining Memory layout of struct type.
// Attention: Dependent of the System where the PLC runs, the StructLayout of the exchanged
// Structures must match. With the ANY_TYPE concept this is realized with 'blittable' objects,
// that match on .NET and PLC side.
// Default Pack Modes:
// TC3 I64/x86: Normal, in this case Pack = 8
// TC2 x86: Pack = 1
// On TC3 PLC side we can force the packing of structures with the attribute
// {attribute 'pack_mode' := '1'}, see also 'pack_mode' attribute in Beckhoff InfoSystem
// For TC2 is the Pack setting Pack = 1 the only possible way, because it is not selectable.
// We have to ensure that the pack mode on both sides is equal!
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public struct PlcStruct
// Type must be 'blittable' to the corresponding PLC Struct Type
// See MSDN for MarshalAs and Default Marshalling.
public bool boolVal; // BOOL
public byte byteVal; // BYTE
public ushort ushortVal; // UINT
public short shortVal; // INT
public uint uintVal; // UDINT
public int dintVal; // DINT
public uint udintVal; // UDINT
public float realVal; // REAL
public double lrealVal; // LREAL
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 81)]
public string stringVal; // STRING[80]
public uint timeVal; // TIME
public uint todVal; // TOD
public uint dateval; // DATE
public uint dtVal; // DT
Marshalling values with 'ANY_TYPES' (synchronous)
using (AdsClient client = new AdsClient())
client.Connect(AmsNetId.Local, 851);
// Bool value
bool boolValue = (bool)client.ReadValue("MAIN.bool1", typeof(bool));
client.WriteValue("MAIN.bool1", boolValue);
// or
uint handleBool = client.CreateVariableHandle("MAIN.bool1"); // BOOL
boolValue = (bool)client.ReadAny(handleBool, typeof(bool));
client.WriteAny(handleBool, boolValue);
// RealValue
uint handleReal = client.CreateVariableHandle("MAIN.real1"); // REAL
float realValue = (float)client.ReadAny(handleReal, typeof(float));
client.WriteAny(handleReal, realValue);
// String
uint handleString = client.CreateVariableHandle("MAIN.string1"); // STRING[80]
string stringValue = (string)client.ReadAny(handleString, typeof(string), new int[] { 80 }); // Needs additional para for strlen
client.WriteAny(handleString, stringValue, new int[] { 80 });
// ushort[]
uint handleArray = client.CreateVariableHandle("MAIN.uint1Arr"); // ARRAY [0..9] OF UINT
ushort[] arrayValue = (ushort[])client.ReadAny(handleArray, typeof(ushort[]), new int[] { 10 });
client.WriteAny(handleArray, arrayValue, new int[] { 10 });
// Complex Struct Type
// Take care the the corresponding .NET Type is blittable / marshallable to the PLC type
uint handleStruct = client.CreateVariableHandle("MAIN.struct");
PlcStruct structValue = (PlcStruct)client.ReadAny(handleStruct, typeof(PlcStruct));
client.WriteAny(handleStruct, structValue);
// ARRAY [0..9] OF STRING[80]
// args[0] --> Number of Characters
// args[1] --> Number of Array Elements
// Needs additional para for strlen and number of Elements in Array
uint handleStringArr = client.CreateVariableHandle("MAIN.stringArr"); // ARRAY [0..9] OF STRING[80]
string[] stringArr = (string[])client.ReadAny(handleStringArr, typeof(string[]), new int[] { 80, 10 });
client.WriteAny(handleStringArr, stringArr, new int[] { 80, 10 });
ADS Notifications with Type marshalling (AdsNotificationEx)
The method AddDeviceNotificationEx is used to register notifications for a PLC variable. If the value of a variable changes the event AdsNotificationEx is fired. The difference to the event AdsNotification, is that the value of the variable is stored in an object instead of in an AdsStream. Therefore one has to pass the type of the object to the method AddDeviceNotificationEx
Notifications with 'ANY_TYPES' (asynchronous)
CancellationToken cancel = CancellationToken.None;
using (AdsClient client = new AdsClient())
client.AdsNotificationEx += Client_AdsNotificationEx;
client.Connect(AmsNetId.Local, 851);
// Add UDINT
ResultHandle resultHandle = await client.AddDeviceNotificationExAsync("MAIN.udint", new NotificationSettings(AdsTransMode.OnChange, 200, 200), null, typeof(uint),null, cancel);
await Task.Delay(5000, cancel); // Wait ....
ResultAds resultHandleDelete = await client.DeleteDeviceNotificationAsync(resultHandle.Handle,cancel); // Unregister Event
Notifications with 'ANY_TYPES'
private void Client_AdsNotificationEx(object sender, AdsNotificationExEventArgs e)
uint value = (uint)e.Value; // Marshalled value as .NET Type
Notifications with 'ANY_TYPES' (synchronous)
using (AdsClient client = new AdsClient())
client.AdsNotificationEx += Client_AdsNotificationEx;
client.Connect(AmsNetId.Local, 851);
// Add UDINT
uint notificationHandle = client.AddDeviceNotificationEx("MAIN.udint", new NotificationSettings(AdsTransMode.OnChange, 200, 200), null, typeof(uint));
Thread.Sleep(5000); // ...
client.DeleteDeviceNotification(notificationHandle); // Unregister Event