Remote Debugging VS2003

This page contains information about creating applications on the HOST development PC with Microsoft VS .NET 2003 CE, and debugging them through the source code, in cases where the application itself runs on the actual target CE-device.

Remote debugging is part of the Microsoft development environment. The ActiveSync connection allows the remote debugging to proceed efficiently and effectively over Ethernet. The disadvantage of the ActiveSync connection is that creating the ActiveSync connection can frequently call for considerable effort: it is first necessary to establish a serial connection between the CE-device and the HOST-PC through a serial null-modem cable, and only then can the higher performance Ethernet interface be selected.

The "Smart Device Utility" variant described here is based on the add-on package for the Windows CE service programs for Visual Studio .NET 2003.

1. Requirements:

Required software on the host PC:

Required software on the CX1000:

2. Establishing the connection: