IIS Web Server
The CX1001-xxxx can be operated with different CE images, also including the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS Web Server).
This Web server supports HTML / DHTML, SSL, and the ISAPI extensions. JavaApplets are not supported because the current CX1000 CE images do not include a Java VM.
CGI is not supported. In the Windows CE.NET documentation, you will find notes on the conversion of CGI to ISAPI.
With the TwinCAT Ads Script DLL (CE), you can implement the connection with the TwinCAT CE environment.
ASP and Java Script are supported only by the image CX1800-0101 HMI.
The "www-root" directory is located on the compact flash in the "\www" directory and is thus available in the CE device under "\hard disk\www".
After providing additional HTML / ASP pages, they are available to external users as well via the HTTP protocol.
The HTTP and FTP protocols are supported by all CE device modules, while the SMTP protocol is only supported by the CE device modules with a large storage capacity.
The POP3 protocol is not supported by any CE device module.