Synchronous operation
When synchronous operation is active, for coupled spindle axes spindle commanding is mapped from the master spindle to the slave spindles, i.e. implicit parallel command of the slave axes takes place.
Coupling specifications for spindle axes are defined analogously to those of contouring axes [PROG].
The coupled spindles are commanded in parallel. Setpoints are not coupled in synchronism with clock pulses.
There is no need for the otherwise necessary separate commanding of the slave spindle regarding the speed or positioning commands in the NC program and about the technological functions and their acknowledgements.
Two axis systems with one common X axis
Master system: X, Y1, Z1,C1, S1,
Slave system: Y2, Z2, C2, S2
Default assignments in the channel parameters
In the channel parameters [CHAN], in the coupling group 0 spindles can be assigned defaults for synchronous operation as coupling pairs:
P-CHAN-00037 | Logical number of master axis |
P-CHAN-00038 | Logical number of slave axis |
P-CHAN-00061 | Mode (for spindle axis: 1) |
Axis coupling defaults:
koppelgruppe[0].paar[i].log_achs_nr_slave log. No. of slave axis
koppelgruppe[0].paar[i].log_achs_nr_master log. No. of master axis
koppelgruppe[0].paar[i].mode Spindle axis (1)
i: coupling pair
koppelgruppe[0].paar[0].log_achs_nr_slave 6
koppelgruppe[0].paar[0].log_achs_nr_master 1
koppelgruppe[0].paar[0].mode 1
In the NC program, synchronous operation of spindles is programmed by means of the following NC commands [PROG]:
Definition of a coupling specification:
Selection of synchronous operation:
Cancellation of synchronous operation:
The default assignments in the channel parameters can be selected in the NC program with
Synchronous operation for spindles cannot be used in combination with rotary functions. |