Electronic Fuse (preliminary)

This function is realized by the EtherCAT profile 5001.00925 "Electronic Fuse", abbreviated as "EFU".

It enables the configuration, control, and diagnostics of electronic fuses that are integrated into various modules.

Initial Behavior and Control via Process Data

Initially, as long as the "Control Via Process Data" bit (0x7pp0:02) is not set, the fuse adopts the status defined in the "Default State" (0x8pp0:11). Once the "Control Via Process Data" bit (0x7pp0:02) is set, the output state is determined by the "Enabled" bit (0x7pp0:01).

If the watchdog timer is triggered, the fuse will adopt the state defined in the "Watchdog State" (0x8pp0:12).

Operation of the Output Driver

To request the output driver to be turned on, the "Enabled" bit (0x7pp0:01) must be set. Once this bit is set, the module enables the output driver and starts logging the current values. For more details, see section "Current Logger". The status of the output driver can be accessed via the "Enabled" bit (0x6pp0:04). To turn off the output driver, reset the "Enabled" bit (0x7pp0:01).

Configuration of Default and Watchdog States

The "Default State" (0x8pp0:11) can be configured to either enabled or disabled. The factory setting for the "Default State" is enabled.

Similarly, the "Watchdog State" (0x8pp0:12) can be configured to one of the following: "Enabled", "Disabled", "Last State", or "Error State". The factory setting for the "Watchdog State" is "Last State".


In case of a breach of the hard limit (see section "Hard Limit"), the "Tripped" bit (0x6pp0:03) and the "Warning" bit (0x6pp0:01) will be set. Depending on the values of the "Auto Retry Count" (0x8pp0:13) and the "Auto Retry Interval" (0x8pp0:14), the fuse will attempt to re-enable the output as many times as defined by the "Auto Retry Count" (0x8pp0:13), with a delay defined by the "Auto Retry Interval" (0x8pp0:14) between attempts.

If the defined number of retries is exhausted without successfully re-enabling the output driver, the "Enabled" bit (0x6pp0:04) will be reset, and the "Error" bit (0x6pp0:02) will be set. To reset the fuse, a rising edge of the "Reset" bit (0x7pp0:03) is required.

Disabling and re-enabling the output driver via the "Enabled" bit will not reset the fuse.

Hard limit

The hard limit of the fuse is hard-coded and cannot be changed. Depending on the product, the fuse triggers when either a power limit or a current limit is reached. Refer to the product manual for the exact values of the power and current limits.

Soft limit

A soft limit can be implemented via the PLC by monitoring the current reading in subindex (0x6pp0:12).

Current logger

The current logger is implemented as a ring buffer, with its size determined by the specific product. The logger's behavior can be configured using the "Current Logger Sampling Rate" (0x8pp0:15). The current log data can be accessed via File over EtherCAT (FoE).

If the specific product does not support the object (0x8pp0:15), it does not implement a current logger, and logging functionality will not be available.