Input inrush current
An active inrush limitation circuit (inrush limiting NTC resistor which is bypassed by a MOSFET) limits the input inrush current after turn-on of the input voltage.
The charging current into EMI suppression capacitors is disregarded in the first microseconds after switch-on.
Input inrush current | max. | 9Apeak | At 40°C, cold start |
typ. | 8Apeak | At 40°C, cold start | |
typ. | 7Apeak | At 25°C, cold start | |
Inrush energy | max. | 1A2s | At 40°C, cold start |

- Input: 48Vdc
- Output: 24V, 10A, constant current load
- Ambient: 25°C
- Input current: 2A / DIV
- Input voltage: 20V / DIV
- Output voltage: 10V / DIV
- Time basis:200ms / DIV