Dielectric strength

The output voltage is earth-free and has no ohmic connection to earth.

Type and component tests are carried out by the manufacturer. Field tests can be performed in the field using suitable test equipment that ramps up the voltage with a slow ramp (2 s rising and 2 s falling). Connect all input terminals and all output poles to each other before performing the tests. During the test, set the cut-off current to the value shown in the table below.

Dielectric strength 1:
Dielectric strength





Type test

60 s

500 Vac

500 Vac

500 Vac

Component test

5 s

500 Vac

500 Vac

500 Vac

Field test

5 s

500 Vac

500 Vac

500 Vac

Settings for the field test cut-off current

> 1 mA

> 1 mA

> 1 mA