Complete access to "PSU Diag Data"
Using the function block "FB_EcCoeSdoReadEx", it is also possible to access all sub-values belonging to an index with a read command. This allows all elements from the "PSU Diag Data" to be read at once, for example. Proceed as follows:
To display the "PSU Diag Data" in detail, you must first create a data structure corresponding to the CoE structure in your PLC project under DUTs:
Then insert the function block "FB_EcCoeSdoReadEx" and instantiate it as described in the chapter "Writing and reading CoE objects using function blocks". Then follow the sample code below to initialize the function block.
Code sample: Reading all objects of the PSU Diag Data with a read command
After starting the controller and logging in, you will see the following screen:
Read command:
A positive edge of "startRead" starts the read command. The CoE object 0xA000 PSU Diag Data is read and the values of the sub-objects are written to the corresponding places in the data structure "sPSUDiagData".