MTBF stands for Mean Time Between Failure, which is calculated from the statistical failure rate of the components and indicates the reliability of a device. It is a statistical representation of the probability of equipment failure and does not necessarily represent the service life of a product.
The MTBF number is a statistical representation of the probability of equipment failure. An MTBF number of 1,000,000h, for example, means that statistically, if there are 10,000 devices in use, one device will fail every 100 hours. However, it is not possible to say whether the failed device has been in operation for 50,000 hours or only 100 hours.
For these device types the MTTF value (Mean Time To Failure) is identical to the MTBF value.
| AC 100V | AC 120V | AC 230V |
MTBF SN 29500, | 800,000h | 807,000h | 867,000h | At 24V, 5A and +40°C |
1,402,000h | 1,414,000h | 1,510,000h | At 24V, 5A and +25°C | |
| 339,000h | 343,000h | 368,000h | At 24V, 5A and +40°C; Ground Benign GB40 |
490,000h | 496,000h | 529,000h | At 24V, 5A and +25°C; Ground Benign GB25 | |
81,000h | 83,000h | 89,000h | At 24V, 5A and +40°C; Ground Fixed GF40 | |
109,000h | 111,000h | 119,000h | At 24V, 5A and +25°C; Ground Fixed GF25 |