Oscillating and transformations
Kinematic transformation
During active kinematic transformation (#TRAFO ON) no oscillating motion is permitted.
Cartesian transformation
Oscillating during active cartesian transformation (#(A)CS ON) is permitted, if the oscillating axis has the same direction like the corresponding axis of the machine. This means for example there is only a rotation around the Z axis when the Z axis also is the oscillating axis.
N10 #CS ON[0,0,0,0,0,90]
N20 Z[OSC ON...]
Other variants like
N10 #CS ON[0,0,0,0,0,90]
N20 X[OSC ON...]
(here the Y machine axis with the dynamics of the X axis would oscillate) are not allowed because of the changing axis dynamics and the possible superimposed motions caused by the transformation mapping. In such cases an error message is issued.
In the following example the user also could program a linear movement, what would lead to an inadmissible superimposition of the asynchronous oscillating motion and the linear movement.
N10 #CS ON[0,0,0,0,0,45]
N20 X[OSC ON....]
N30 G01 Y50 F20