Setting the transmission type

The transmission type determines how the process data objects are transferred. The transmission type for the RxPDOs and TxPDOs is set on the PDO tab.

The available transmission types are: acyclic synchronous, cyclic synchronous, and asynchronous.

Transmission type:

Acyclic Synchronous

Cyclic Synchronous


Name in TwinCAT:

(acyc, sync)

(cyc, sync)


Prerequisites for this step:

Specify the transmission type as follows:

1. In the tree view, left-click on a process data object (PDO).
Setting the transmission type 1:

2. Click on the PDO tab.
3. Select the required transmission type under Trans. Type.
Setting the transmission type 2:
You have successfully specified a transmission type for a process data object. The transmission types for the remaining process data objects are specified in the same way.
Next, you can create a PLC project for the CANopen slave.