BECKHOFF KS2000 - General Dialog

How to make and delete XML device files?

This option should only be used when after the login when a terminal has not been detected correctly. When it is activated, then while the login process the old files are getting deleted and the new files written. This causes a delay during the booting.

step 1: To activate or deactivate the option you have to click onto Options in the menu bar.

step 2: Click onto Create new XML device files.

How to make and delete XML device files? 1:


It is activated, when the following popup window will open during the login. You now either have the choice to click OK to delete the old files or to click cancel to keep the old files.
How to make and delete XML device files? 2:

To edit or delete the files manually you have to change into the corresponding folder. In a standard installation of KS2000 this folder can be found in C:\Programs\KS2000_V4\Resource\Devices. If you chose a different installation folder, then you have to search for "...KS2000_V4\Resource\Devices".