Register description
These registers are used to parameterize the terminal module. They can be read or written by means of the register communication.
R0: Analog value of Channel 1
Contains the current analog value for Channel 1.
R1: Analog value of Channel 2
Contains the current analog value for Channel 2.
R2: Analog value of Channel 3
Contains the current analog value for Channel 3.
R3: Analog value of Channel 4
Contains the current analog value for Channel 4.
R7: Command register
The command register in the KM2774-0000 has no function.
R8: Terminal type
The terminal name is contained in register R8: 0x0AD6 (2774dez)
R9: Firmware version
Register R9 contains the ASCII coding of the terminal's firmware version, e.g. 0x3141 = '1A'. '0x31' corresponds to the ASCII character '1', '0x41' corresponds to the ASCII character 'A'.
This value cannot be changed.
R16: Hardware version number
Register R16 contains the hardware version of the terminal.
R29: Terminal type - special identification
The terminal special identification is contained in register R29: 0x0000 (0dec)
R31: Code word register
- If you write values into the user registers without first entering the user code word (0x1235) into the code word register, the terminal will not accept the supplied data.
- If you write values into the user registers and have previously entered the user code word (0x1235) in the code word register, these values are written into the RAM registers and in the EEPROM registers and are therefore retained if the terminal is restarted.
The code word is reset when the terminal is restarted.
R34: Current limit, channel 1
Here you can set the current limit for channel 1 (default: 150dec).
Scaling: 150dec corresponds to 1500 mA.
Permissible value range: 5 to 150dec
R35: Current limit, channel 2
Here you can set the current limit for channel 2 (default: 150dec).
Scaling: 150dec corresponds to 1500 mA.
Permissible value range: 5 to 150dec
R36: Current limit, channel 3
Here you can set the current limit for channel 3 (default: 150dec).
Scaling: 150dec corresponds to 1500 mA.
Permissible value range: 5 to 150dec
R37: Current limit, channel 4
Here you can set the current limit for channel 4 (default: 150dec).
Scaling: 150dec corresponds to 1500 mA.
Permissible value range: 5 to 150dec
R38: Dead time for overcurrent shutdown, channel 1
Here you can define the dead time until overcurrent shutdown for channel 1 (default: 40dec).
Scaling: 40dec corresponds to 400 ms.
Permissible value range: 10 to 256dec
If you enter 0, the dead time is disabled. The output switches off immediately when the current limit is exceeded.
R39: Dead time for overcurrent shutdown, channel 2
Here you can define the dead time until overcurrent shutdown for channel 2 (default: 40dec).
Scaling: 40dec corresponds to 400 ms.
Permissible value range: 10 to 256dec
If you enter 0, the dead time is disabled. The output switches off immediately when the current limit is exceeded.
R40: Dead time for overcurrent shutdown, channel 3
Here you can define the dead time until overcurrent shutdown for channel 3 (default: 40dec).
Scaling: 40dec corresponds to 400 ms.
Permissible value range: 10 to 256dec
If you enter 0, the dead time is disabled. The output switches off immediately when the current limit is exceeded.
R41: Dead time for overcurrent shutdown, channel 4
Here you can define the dead time until overcurrent shutdown for channel 4 (default: 40dec).
Scaling: 40dec corresponds to 400 ms.
Permissible value range: 10 to 256dec
If you enter 0, the dead time is disabled. The output switches off immediately when the current limit is exceeded.