Register description

These registers are used to parameterize the terminal module. They can be read or written by means of the register communication.

R0: Analog value of Channel 1

Contains the current analog value for Channel 1.

R1: Analog value of Channel 2

Contains the current analog value for Channel 2.

R2: Analog value of Channel 3

Contains the current analog value for Channel 3.

R3: Analog value of Channel 4

Contains the current analog value for Channel 4.

R7: Command register

The command register in the KM2774-0000 has no function.

R8: Terminal type

The terminal name is contained in register R8: 0x0AD6 (2774dez)

R9: Firmware version

Register R9 contains the ASCII coding of the terminal's firmware version, e.g. 0x3141 = '1A'. '0x31' corresponds to the ASCII character '1', '0x41' corresponds to the ASCII character 'A'.
This value cannot be changed.

R16: Hardware version number

Register R16 contains the hardware version of the terminal.

R29: Terminal type - special identification

The terminal special identification is contained in register R29: 0x0000 (0dec)

R31: Code word register

The code word is reset when the terminal is restarted.

R34: Current limit, channel 1

Here you can set the current limit for channel 1 (default: 150dec).
Scaling: 150dec corresponds to 1500 mA.
Permissible value range: 5 to 150dec

R35: Current limit, channel 2

Here you can set the current limit for channel 2 (default: 150dec).
Scaling: 150dec corresponds to 1500 mA.
Permissible value range: 5 to 150dec

R36: Current limit, channel 3

Here you can set the current limit for channel 3 (default: 150dec).
Scaling: 150dec corresponds to 1500 mA.
Permissible value range: 5 to 150dec

R37: Current limit, channel 4

Here you can set the current limit for channel 4 (default: 150dec).
Scaling: 150dec corresponds to 1500 mA.
Permissible value range: 5 to 150dec

R38: Dead time for overcurrent shutdown, channel 1

Here you can define the dead time until overcurrent shutdown for channel 1 (default: 40dec).
Scaling: 40dec corresponds to 400 ms.
Permissible value range: 10 to 256dec
If you enter 0, the dead time is disabled. The output switches off immediately when the current limit is exceeded.

R39: Dead time for overcurrent shutdown, channel 2

Here you can define the dead time until overcurrent shutdown for channel 2 (default: 40dec).
Scaling: 40dec corresponds to 400 ms.
Permissible value range: 10 to 256dec
If you enter 0, the dead time is disabled. The output switches off immediately when the current limit is exceeded.

R40: Dead time for overcurrent shutdown, channel 3

Here you can define the dead time until overcurrent shutdown for channel 3 (default: 40dec).
Scaling: 40dec corresponds to 400 ms.
Permissible value range: 10 to 256dec
If you enter 0, the dead time is disabled. The output switches off immediately when the current limit is exceeded.

R41: Dead time for overcurrent shutdown, channel 4

Here you can define the dead time until overcurrent shutdown for channel 4 (default: 40dec).
Scaling: 40dec corresponds to 400 ms.
Permissible value range: 10 to 256dec
If you enter 0, the dead time is disabled. The output switches off immediately when the current limit is exceeded.