Parameter data block (byte 0 to 5 of the process image)

All AS-i parameters of the KL6201/KL6211 can be accessed via bytes 0 to 5 of the process image interface. The output and input data are then assigned as follows:

Output parameters (PLC -> KL6201/KL6211)

A new task is detected, if one of the bits in the 6-byte parameter data block has changed.




0 (CB0)

0 to 5

Parameter number bit 0 to 5


0bin: Read

1bin: Write


Always 0 (due to compatibility with register communication)

1 (CB1)

0 to 3

Parameter number bit 6 to 9


Only relevant for write with masked access:
0bin: Low word (bit 0 to 15) is addressed
1bin: High word (bit 16 to 31) is addressed


Only relevant for write:
0bin: Normal 32-bit access
1bin: Masked 16-bit access with 16-bit mask (only those bits are changed whose mask is set to "1")


0bin: Parameter access is locked
1bin: Parameter access:


always 0

2 (ParaOut0)

0 to 7

Read: free
Write (normal): Parameter value bits 0 to 7
Write (masked): Parameter value bits 0 to 7

3 (ParaOut1)

0 to 7

Read: free
Write (normal): Parameter value bits 8 to 15
Write (masked): Parameter value bits 8 to 15

4 (ParaOut2)

0 to 7

Read: free
Write (normal): Parameter value bits 16 to 23
Write (masked): Mask bits 0 to 7

5 (ParaOut3)

0 to 7

Read: free
Write (normal): Parameter value bits 24 to 31
Write (masked): Mask bits 8 to 15

Input parameters (KL6201/KL6211 -> PLC)




0 (SB0)


Only relevant in protected mode:
1bin: The set configuration and the actual configuration match


1bin: A power failure has occurred


1bin: automatic addressing is enabled (protected mode must be active)
0bin: automatic addressing is locked:

  • an AS-i slave with address 0 was found, but no projected AS-i slave is missing or
  • a non-projected AS-i slave was found


1bin: automatic addressing is available (protected mode must be active and precisely one projected AS-i slave must be missing)


1bin: an AS-i slave with address "0" was found


reserved for extensions


Diagnostic bit, 1bin:

  • a power failure has occurred
  • in protected mode, the set configuration does not match the actual configuration, or
  • an AS-i slave with the address 0 was found, or
  • automatic address programming in the output data (byte 1, bit 5) was enabled by the controller but is locked at the AS-i master (input data byte 0, bit 2), or


always 0 (for compatibility with register communication)

1 (SB1)


0bin: the AS-i master responds to a read command
1bin: the AS-i master acknowledges a write command


0bin: the AS-i master operates in projecting mode
1bin: the AS-i master operates in protected mode


the AS-i master is set to offline phase (the outputs of the activated AS-i slaves are set to the default value (1bin), the inputs of the activated AS-i slaves in the controller were also set to the default value (0bin)


1bin: the AS-i master operates in normal mode (data exchange phase was reached, AS-i outputs and AS-i inputs have the current values)


Toggle bit, this bit toggles after each executed task


0bin: Parameter access was completed successfully
1bin: Error during parameter access


Acknowledges bit 6 of CB1:
0bin: Process data mode
1bin: Parameter access


always 0bin

2 (ParaIn0)

0 to 7

Read (without error): Parameter value bits 0 to 7
Write (without error): read parameter value bits 0 to 7
Read or write (with error): Error code bits 0 to 7

3 (ParaIn1)

0 to 7

Read (without error): Parameter value bits 8 to 15
Write (without error): read parameter value bits 8 to 15
Read or write (with error): Error code bits 8 to 15

4 (ParaIn2)

0 to 7

Read (without error): Parameter value bits 16 to 23
Write (without error): read parameter value bits 16 to 23
Read or write (with error): Error code bits 16 to 23

5 (ParaIn3)

0 to 7

Read (without error): Parameter value bits 24 to 31
Write (without error): read parameter value bits 24 to 31
Read or write (with error): Error code bits 24 to 31