
The dialog mask for the parameterization of the KL5151-0000 or KL5152-0000 (KL5151-0050) can be found under Settings.

Settings 1:
Settings via KS2000

Operation mode

Counter mode active (R32.15)

For KL5151-0000 and KL5152-0000 (KL5151-0050) you can activate counter mode here (default: inactive). When counter mode is activated, the terminals operate as a 32 bit up/down counter. The counting direction (up-/down) is set by the level at input B.

Settings 2:

Operation of KL5152-0000 (KL5151-0050) as one channel counter

Because for operation of KL5152-0000 (KL5151-0050) as a counter the A2 connector is used to enable the counter (gate), the operation as a two channel counter is not possible.

Display whole process image (R32.6)

Meaningful operation of the KL5151-0000 is only possible with the full process image (default: active)!

The KL5152-0000 (KL5151-0050) is factory-set to the small (compact) process image. You can activate evaluation of the full process image for the KL5152-0000 (KL5151-0050) here.

A positive level at the gate locks the counter (R32.5)

You can lock the counter by applying a positive level to the gate input (default: inactive).

A negative level at the gate locks the counter (R32.4)

You can lock the counter by applying a negative level to the gate input (default: inactive).