KL5151-0021 - Introduction
The KL5151-0021 Bus Terminal is an interface with 24 V inputs for the direct connection of incremental encoders. A 32 bit counter with a quadrature decoder and a 32 bit latch for the zero pulse can be read, set or enabled.
The KL5151-0021 Bus Terminal has an additional comparator output.
Enter the reference value for referencing via the output double word DataOUT1 and set bits CB1.0 (EnLatchC) and CB1.2 (SetCnt) in the control byte. The reference value is now adopted by the counter on a rising edge at input C.
Measuring the workpiece
At the beginning of the measurement the filter value is preset in the filter register R0.
Then set the release bit CB1.1 (EnMeas) in the control byte. If a plate has been successfully measured, the terminal sets bit SB1.1 (MeasDone) in the status byte.
The measurement begins on an appropriate edge. If the level already exists, only the position of the end of the board is determined. The start of the measurement is then taken as the start of the board.
Post-forming sawing
The output has a rise time of 10 µs and a 40 µs delay due to the optocoupler.