Basic principles

The KL2532/KS2532 DC motor terminal integrates two compact DC motor output stages up to 24 W in a very compact design.

The KL2552/KS2552 DC motor terminal integrates two compact DC motor output stages up to 250 W in a very compact design.

General functions

Enable/Readiness for operation

For activating the output stage enable bit CB1.5 has to be set. If the terminal is in an error-free state at the time, it sets ready bit SB1.4 as acknowledgement. If the terminal is ready to operate, it indicates this by setting "Ready to Enable" (R0.2). Directions of rotation are indicated by bit R0.4 (Moving Positive) and R0.5 (Moving Negative).

Set / delete position

The user can set or delete the current position value. Register R5 is used as reference. A rising edge at bit CB1.1 sets the current position, and the acknowledgement is provided through status bit SB1.1.

Counter function

The digital inputs of the terminal act on internal counters of the terminal.

Input 1 for channel 1 and input 2 for channel 2.

In connection with a setpoint specification, the positive edges of the input lead to an incrementing of the counter in the case of a positive specification and to a decrementing of the internal counter in the case of a negative specification. If no setpoint is specified, state changes at the input have no effect on the internal counter.

Latch functions (only KL2552/KS2552)

The internal encoder offers the option of registering a latch event. A latch event can be generated via the digital input signals.

The terminal response to the latch events is activated as follows:

Once the user has enabled the function, during the next latch event, the terminal saves the current position value and indicates this by setting status bit SB1.2. Reading of latch values must be initiated by setting CB1.4, which causes the latch value to be mapped in the DataIN process data (the terminal indicates this via status bit SB1.3).

Basic principles 1:

Reading the latch value

The enable that was set previously must be retained while reading out the latch value. The latch value is lost if enable is cancelled!

Manual and automatic torque reduction

A torque reduction can be achieved in two ways:

R41 (reduced torque) and R45 (torque threshold) are used for the positive direction of rotation.

R49 (reduced torque) and R48 (torque threshold) are used for the negative direction of rotation.

Digital inputs

The digital inputs are mapped into the status byte in bit SB1.0.

Error indication

The terminal offers the user a variety of diagnostic options. These messages are subdivided into hardware warnings and hardware errors.

Hardware warnings

The functionality of the terminal is retained if one of the following warnings occurs. In the status byte the bit SB1.5 (Warning) is set.

If a warning occurs the cause has to be rectified and subsequently acknowledged and thus cancelled by setting bit CB1.6 in the control byte (unless specified otherwise above).

Hardware error

The motor power is switched off and bit SB1.6 in the status byte is set if one of the following errors occurs.

If an error occurs, it first has to be rectified and subsequently acknowledged and thus cancelled by setting bit CB1.6 in the control byte.