Register description

The registers can be read or written via the register communication. They are used for the parameterization of the terminal.

R0 to R7: Registers in the internal RAM of the terminal

The process variables can be used in addition to the actual process image. Their function is specific to the terminal.

  • R6: Diagnostic register
    The diagnostic register can contain additional diagnostic information. Parity errors, for instance, that occur in serial interface terminals during data transmission are indicated here.
  • R7: Command register
    High-Byte_Write = function parameter
    Low-Byte_Write = function number
    High-Byte_Read = function result
    Low-Byte_Read = function number

R8 to R15: Registers in the internal ROM of the terminal

The type and system parameters are hard programmed by the manufacturer, and the user can read them but cannot change them.

  • R8: Terminal type
    The terminal type in register R8 is needed to identify the terminal.
  • R9: Software version (X.y)
    The software version can be read as a string of ASCII characters.
  • R10: Data length
    R10 contains the number of multiplexed shift registers and their length in bits.
    The Bus Coupler sees this structure.
  • R11: Signal channels
    Related to R10, this contains the number of channels that are logically present. Thus for example a shift register that is physically present can perfectly well consist of several signal channels.
  • R12: Minimum data length
    The particular byte contains the minimum data length for a channel that is to be transferred. If the MSB is set, the control and status byte is not necessarily required for the terminal function and is not transferred to the control, if the Bus Coupler is configured accordingly.
  • R13: Data type register

Data type register



Terminal with no valid data type


Byte array


Structure 1 byte n bytes


Word array


Structure 1 byte n words


Double word array


Structure 1 byte n double words


Structure 1 byte 1 double word


Structure 1 byte 1 double word


Byte array with variable logical channel length


Structure 1 byte n bytes with variable logical channel length (e.g. 60xx)


Word array with variable logical channel length


Structure 1 byte n words with variable logical channel length


Double word array with variable logical channel length


Structure 1 byte n double words with variable logical channel length

  • R15: Alignment bits (RAM)
    The alignment bits are used to place the analog terminal in the Bus Coupler on a byte boundary.

R16 to R30: Manufacturer parameter area (SEEROM)

The manufacturer parameters are specific for each type of terminal. They are programmed by the manufacturer, but can also be modified by the controller. The manufacturer parameters are stored in a serial EEPROM in the terminal, and are retained in the event of voltage drop-out.

These registers can only be altered after a code word has been set in R31.

R31 to R47: User parameter area (SEEROM)

The user parameters are specific for each type of terminal. They can be modified by the programmer. The user parameters are stored in a serial EEPROM in the terminal, and are retained in the event of voltage drop-out. The user area is write-protected by a code word.

• R31: Code word register in RAM

The code word 0x1235 must be entered here so that parameters in the user area can be modified. If any other value is entered into this register, the write-protection is active. When write protection is not active, the code word is returned when the register is read. If the write protection is active, the register contains a zero value.

  • R32: Feature register (KL1501 only)
    • KL1501: [0x0100]
      This register specifies the operation modes of the terminal.
    • KL1512: This register is not supported by the terminal KL1512.

Feature bit no.


Description of the operation mode

Bit 0


no function

Bit 1


Output format
0: Standard output [0]
1: Alternative output

Bit 2


If two counters are active, the CNT_INH bit becomes CNT_SET for the second counter [0].

Bit 3


The counter(s) is/are set if a positive edge of the CNT_SET bit in the control byte [0] is encountered

Bit 4


The internal function for setting output A0 is active [0].

Bit 5


The internal function for resetting output A0 is active [0].

Bit 6


The internal function for setting output A1 is active [0].

Bit 7


The internal function for resetting output A1 is active [0].

Bit 10, 9, 8


32-bit up/down counter [001].
24-bit if alternative output format is active.


Standard output: 2 *16-bit up counter
Alternative output: Counter 0 is 8 bits wide, counter 1 is 16 bits.
The counting frequency is limited to approx. 5 kHz.
[pulse width > 100 microseconds]


32-bit gated counter
24-bit if alternative output format is active
Gate input low: Counter is locked


32-bit gated counter
24-bit if alternative output format is active
Gate input high: Counter is locked

Bit 11


Counting direction
0: Up [0]
1: Down

Bit 12


Terminal bus access is polled if the bit is set [0]

Bit 15, 14, 13


No function [0], do not change!