Audit account logon events

Audit logon events in the Beckhoff Device Manager and enable the appropriate policy if you want to determine who has logged on to the web interface from which IP address, for example.

Proceed as follows:

1. Call up the Run dialog via the shortcut [Windows key] + [R] and enter secpol.msc.
The Local Security Policy window appears.
Audit account logon events 1:
2. Click on Local Policies > Audit Policy in the structure tree on the left and select the policy Audit account logon events.
3. Select the Failure check box if you only want to log unsuccessful attempts. Also select the Success check box if you also want to log successful attempts.
Audit account logon events 2:
The logged entries can now be viewed in the Event Viewer, which you can call up with [Windows key] + [R] and the entry eventvwr. The entries can then be viewed under Windows Logs > Security.