Password policies

A separate password policy protects the system against the use of weak passwords. Determine the length and complexity of the user passwords used and follow the recommendations below:

To define a password policy, edit /etc/pam.d/passwd as follows:

doas ee /etc/pam.d/passwd

Remove the "#" at the beginning of the line

password    requisite        enforce=users

and add entries for the pam_passwdqc module as required:

password    requisite min=disabled,disabled,disabled,disabled,10 similar=deny retry=3 en-force=users

Five values can be set behind pam_passwdqc, since five password categories are predefined for this module. Categories include password complexity requirements, such as combinations of special characters, lowercase and uppercase letters, and numbers. Each digit after pam_passwdqc.s can either be disabled or given a number for the required password length and represents one of the following password categories:

So the example shown only allows passwords consisting of four password categories and 10 characters. The "similiar" also defines whether a new password may be similar to the old password. "retry" describes how often pam_passwdqc prompts for a new password when the user fails to choose a new password according to the password policy.

For more information on configuring password policies, visit