Channel parameters
P-CHAN-00002 | Maximum contouring acceleration |
Parameter | vector.acceleration |
Description | Limiting the contouring acceleration. The limits are activated/deactivated and modified via an NC command (see also[PROG]). |
Data type | REAL64 |
Data range | 0 SLOPE_BESCHL_MAX |
Dimension | mm/min2 |
Default | 0 |
Remarks | - |
P-CHAN-00009 | Control flag for jolt limiting at tangential block transitions |
Parameter | corr_v_trans_jerk |
Description | Activation of jolt limiting at tangential block transitions (constant-speed transition). The permissible jolt results from the active acceleration and ramp time in the case of G01, G02, G03 or G00 motion blocks. |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | 0: no jolt limiting at tangential block transitions 1: jolt limiting at tangential block transitions |
Dimension | - |
Default | 0 |
Remarks | Depending on the permissible jolt, the feed rate at tangential block transitions such as straight line -> circle may be reduced considerably. This function must be deactivated if this is not wished for technological reasons, for example. |
P-CHAN-00066 | Control flag for operating principle of override |
Parameter | override_weight_prog_feed |
Description | This parameter defines if the override value is applied to programmed feed of to the minimum of programmed feed and maximum permissible feed in the current block. |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | 0: If this parameter is disabled, every change of override leads to a change of velocity always (linear correlation). 1: If this parameter is enabled, the override value is applied to programmed feed always. If maximum permissible feed of the block is smaller than programmed feed multiplied by override value, the feed on the path will not be changed even override value is changed. |
Dimension | - |
Default | 0 |
Remarks | If because of technological reasons velocity must no drop, the parameter must be set to 1. |
P-CHAN-00071 | Default acceleration profile |
Parameter | prog_start.slope.profile |
Description | Setting the selected default acceleration profile |
Data type | SGN16 |
Data range | 0: abrupt acceleration profile 1: trapezoidal acceleration profile 2: sine-square acceleration profile 3: trapezoidal HSC acceleration profile |
Dimension | - |
Default | 0 |
Remarks | The acceleration profile and the associated acceleration and ramp time weighting can be set in the NC program with the #SET SLOPE PROFIL command. The maximum of the weighted ramp times P-AXIS-00195.. P-AXIS-00198 always effects with trapezoidal HSC acceleration profile. For every independent axis, the acceleration profile can also be set singly in the NC program with the key word INDP_SYN or INDP_ASYN. |
P-CHAN-00090 | Maximum contouring speed |
Parameter | vector.velocity |
Description | Limiting the contouring speed. The limits are activated/deactivated and modified via an NC command (see also[PROG]). |
Data type | REAL64 |
Data range | 0 SLOPE_VB_MAX |
Dimension | mm/min |
Default | 0 |
Remarks | - |