
The dynamic axis acceleration and ramp time (non-linear slope only) limits used by the look ahead function can be weighted by programming of G130 and G132. The weightings are active for G01, G02 and G03 motions only. Weighting values of more than 100% are also possible provided that the maximum permissible acceleration is not exceeded.


N10 G130 X50 Y75 Z75
N20 G132 X75 Y75 Z75

N10: the axis acceleration of the X axis in use is reduced to 50%, and that of the Y and Z axes to 75%.

N20: the ramp time of the X, Y and Z axes in use is reduced to 75%.

If all axes are to have the same weighting, the G functions G131 and G133 can also be used.


N10 G131 50
N20 G133 50

N10: the axis acceleration of all axes in use is reduced to 50%.

N20: the ramp time of all axes in use is reduced to 50%.