Axis parameters
P-AXIS-00003 | Emergency acceleration | |
Parameter | getriebe[i].dynamik.a_emergency | |
Description | The acceleration used in an emergency is defined by means of this parameter. In the event of certain errors, the CNC decelerates the specific axis with this acceleration value. Important:the axis leaves the path! | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 1 < P-AXIS-00003 < P-AXIS-00008 (a_max) | |
Dimension | Translatory: mm/s2 | Rotatory: °/s2 |
Default | P-AXIS-00008 (see [AXIS]) |
P-AXIS-00015 | Mode of an axis |
Parameter | kenngr.achs_mode |
Description | Axes can be run in diverse modes. |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range |
Remarks | * One of the following two axis modes must always be specified:
All other bits of the achs_mode consist of additional entries! For example, the ACHSMODE_MODULO_LINEAR entry only makes sense in combination with ACHSMODE_MODULO. ** For TwinCAT-Systems this axis mode is not available. |
P-AXIS-00070 | Axis number of the master axis | |
Parameter | kenngr.gantry_ax_nr | |
Description | In the axis parameter list of the slave axis, the logical number of its master axis is entered here. If this parameter is assigned, the master and slave axes are permanently assigned to one another during startup. This so-called static gantry coupling exists at the position controller level. The slave axis is not known in the channel! Travel is realized exclusively by programming of its master axis. | |
Data type | UNS16 | |
Data range | 1<P-AXIS-00070 <MAX (UNS16) | |
Dimension | Translatory: - | Rotatory: - |
Default | - | |
Remarks | This entry is not adopted when updating the axis parameter list. For updating to take effect, the control system must be restarted. |
P-AXIS-00071 | Maximum distance difference | |
Parameter | kenngr.gantry_max_diff_reset_locked | |
Description | Maximum distance difference between the master and slave axes. Error that cannot be remedied by NC reset. | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 < P-AXIS-00072< P-AXIS-00071 < MAX(UNS32) | |
Dimension | Translatory: 0.1μm | Rotatory: 0.0001° |
Default | 2600 µm | |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00072 | Distance difference that can be reset | |
Parameter | kenngr.gantry_max_diff_resetable | |
Description | Maximum permissible distance difference between the master and slave axes. Error that can be remedied by NC reset. | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 <P-AXIS-00072 < MAX(UNS32) | |
Dimension | Translatory: 0.1μm | Rotatory: 0.0001° |
Default | 160 µm | |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00073 | Static offset | |
Parameter | kenngr.gantry_offset | |
Description | Static difference between the master and slave axes in the event of differences between the master and slave axes. The offset sign results from the calculation instruction: OFFSET = SLAVE MASTER | |
Data type | SGN32 | |
Data range | MIN(SGN32 <P-AXIS-00073 < MAX(UNS32) | |
Dimension | Translatory: 0.1μm | Rotatory: 0.0001° |
Default | - | |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00074 | Suppress reference point travel for gantry slave axis |
Parameter | kenngr.gantry_slave_no_homing |
Description | Reference point travel can be suppressed for gantry slave axes with this parameter. After reference point travel of the master axis, the reference positions entered in the axis parameter list of the slave axes are stored and monitoring of the gantry difference between the master and slave axes is started. |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | 0: reference point travel for all gantry axes 1: suppress reference point travel for gantry slave axes |
Dimension | - |
Default | 0 |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00075 | Correction speed | |
Parameter | kenngr.gantry_vb_korr | |
Description | The speed at which the axis position of the slave axis is corrected to adjust the difference P-AXIS-00073 . | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 <P-AXIS-00075 < P-AXIS-00212 | |
Dimension | Translatory: 1 µm/s | Rotatory: 0.001°/s |
Default | - | |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00249 | Monitor gantry difference before reference point travel |
Parameter | kenngr.gantry_diff_check_without_homing |
Description | By default, the position difference between the gantry master and the slave axis is not monitored until both the master and the slave axes have been referenced. With this parameter, it is possible to already activate this monitoring function before reference point travel. The P-AXIS-00072 and P-AXIS-00071 parameters are used as limits during monitoring. The offset between the master and slave axes at the time when the control system starts up is used as the position offset. After reference point travel, P-AXIS-00073 is used as the position offset. |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | 0: no gantry difference monitoring before reference point travel 1: active gantry difference monitoring before reference point travel |
Dimension | - |
Default | 0 |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00253 | Drive-controlled reference travel of the gantry network |
Parameter | kenngr.gantry_synchronous_slave_homing |
Description | In the event of dnrive-controlled referencing (digital drives, SERCOS), reference point travel is started simultaneously for the complete gantry network. You must also make sure that the reference point travel parameter definitions are identical in all drives so that reference point travel will run identically. |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | 0: start reference point travel simultaneously for all axes in the gantry network; due to signal run times, the startng times in the individual axes may deviate from one another. 1: start synchronous reference point travel by internal feed hold cancelling simultaneously (in the same cycle) for the entire gantry network. |
Dimension | - |
Default | 0 |
Remarks | This parameter is used for SERCOS axes only. Drive-controlled reference point travel must run identically in the case of both drives (e.g. without cam and distance-coded measurement system). This must be ensured by means of appropriate drive parameter definition. The torque may have to be reduced during reference point travel for safety reasons. |
P-AXIS-00254 | CNC-controlled error reaction |
Parameter | kenngr.cnc_controlled_stop_after_error |
Description | In the case of gantry axes, it is necessary for the CNC to stop the entire gantry network in a controlled fashion in the event of an error of an axis. The functionlity is set for the master and slave axes. If the settings of the master and slave axes deviate from one another, this is corrected in the slave axes. |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | 0: error reaction within the drive 1: CNC-controlled error reaction |
Dimension | - |
Default | 0 |
Remarks | This parameter is used for SERCOS axes only. The parameters of the drive must also be defined so that it does not perform any of its own (or only delayed) error reaction (see EcoDrive P-0-0117). |