

Within the NC-program by the command #OPTIONAL EXECUTION a sequence of NC-blocks can be marked as able to be skipped during forward/ backward on path. The marked part is just omitted on interpolator level if forward/ backward on path is active, no recalculation of any conditions is done when the commands are omitted. Therefore, any interpolator state, especially the axis positions, has to be the same after skipping some NC-commands otherwise the path, speed, acceleration would not be continuously.
X10 Y0
N10 G91 G00 X10 F1000
N12 Z123 
N13 S1000 M3 
N14 Z-123 
N15 M101 
N20 G90 G01 X0
N30 G02 I10
N40 G03 J10

The continuous path of axis with or without omitting of blocks is checked and detected by the CNC. Any further conditions must be ensured by the user itself and are not checked by the CNC.

Nesting of multiple commands optional execution on/off is not considered.

If simulation is turned on while execution is within OPTIONAL EXECUTION ON/OFF-sequence, the omitting is automatically delayed till execution has reached OPTIONAL EXECUTION OFF. This is necessary because the marked sequence is just allowed to omit at all or not.

Following example is not allowed, because the calculated velocity and acceleration differs at the block limits (N11 and N15) where optional execution is turned on/off, even the axis positions are continuously.
X00 Y0
N10 G90 G01 X10 F1000
N11 #OPTIONAL EXECUTION ON (X-axis moving in)
(position direction)
N12 X20
N13 S1000 M3
N14 X10
N15 #OPTIONAL EXECUTION OFF (X-axis moving in)
(negative direction)
N20 X0
N30 G02 I10
N40 G03 J10


By the NC-command #BACKWARD STORAGE CLEAR the actual available backward storage can be cleared explicitly. Thereby it is ensured that afterwards it cannot be moved further back than up to the clearing position in the program.

N000 G01 X0 F10000
N010 X100 Y123
N020 X100
N030 X200 Y10
N040 X300 Y20
N051 #BACKWARD STORAGE CLEAR (test multiple clearing
N052 #BACKWARD STORAGE CLEAR (test multiple clearing
N060 X400 Y-20
N070 X500 Y-3
N080 X444 Y10
N090 X333 Y3
N100 X222 Y10
N110 X111 Y3
N120 X000 Y10
N130 X-111 Y3
N1000 M30