FC200x – PCI cards for Lightbus

Status and diagnostic inputs

The process image of the FC200x contains status registers and error counters, which are displayed in the TwinCAT System Manager.

TwinCAT System Manager – status and diagnostic inputs

Status register

The FC200x has input words for each optical fiber ring that describe the state of the Lightbus card and the optical fiber ring:



General status: contains the value 1 in the event of an error, otherwise the value 0 (device OK).



In the event of an error this contains the code of the function that has triggered the error, e.g.:

0x01 Optical fiber reset
0x02 Code word request
0x05 Optical fiber attenuation test (intensity check)
0x06 Count I/O modules (counting boxes)
0x07 Test I/O module addresses (address check)
0x09 Software reset
0x0A Optical fiber break test
0x0C Re-initialization of the CDL (CDL ReInit)
0x10 Configuration of the CDL (CDL Config)



In the event of an error this contains the code of the argument that was appended to the function that triggered the error.



Contains the number of the I/O module (box) in the optical fiber ring at which the error occurred.


Error counter

For each optical fiber ring, the FC200x includes input words for error counters. The Lightbus card does not deal with overflow processing or resetting of the counters!



Error in the CDL (DPRAM offset: 0xE30):
CdlErrorCount [0] .. [7] counts errors in each individual logical ring (CDL).



The bit is set if CDL has an error (DPRAM offset: 0xE40):
this bit is cleared again if the CDL is successfully transmitted.



Sum error (DPRAM offset: 0xEE0):
Register for the sum of all error counters with the exception of AddressCheckErrCnt



Counter for errors in receiver 1 (DPRAM offset: 0xEE2):
Received address or control byte not equal transmitted byte.



Counter for errors in receiver 2 (DPRAM offset: 0xEE4):
Received address or control byte not equal transmitted byte.



Counter for timeout errors (DPRAM offset: 0xEE6):
Timeout during telegram reception



Counter for parity errors (DPRAM offset: 0xEE8):
Telegram with CRC error received



Counter for errors during internal address check (DPRAM offset: 0xEEA):
Telegram with logically incorrect content (AD not equal D3) received. This counter does not increment the checksum error!



Module address for errors during internal address check (DPRAM offset: 0xEEC):
Contains the address of the I/O module (box) that caused the error.