Setting of the IP address via the ARP table

An easy method to change the addressing is using the DOS window. Only addresses in the same network class can be changed though! The new address will be stored and kept even when the module is powered down.


  • switch to any IP address. DHCP or BootP shall not be activated.
  • open the DOS box on your PC
  • generate an entry in your ARP table using "ping >IP address<
  • read the ARP tabel with "ARP -a"
  • delet the module from the table with  "ARP-d >IP-Address OLD<
  • carry out a manula entry in the table "ARS -s >IP Address NEW< >MAC-ID<"
  • check with  "ping -l 123 >IP-Address NEW<" if the new  IP-Address is valid

Temporary flashing of the ERROR LED during the initializing phase shows, that the module is addressed via ARP. The switches have no information about the actual module addresss!


When changing the IP address, all dynamic ARP entries should be deleted. Only a ping with a length of 123 Byte for changing the address is accepted (>ping -l "IP-Address<).


  1. C:>ping
  2. C:>ARP -a        00-01-05-00-11-22
  3. C:>arp -d
  4. C:>arp -s 00-01-05-00-11-22
  5. C:>ping -l 123