Check of the IP-Link connection

A correct assembled IP-Link cable will assure an error free transmission.

An additional testing of the transmission quality and  error diagnostics is possible with the KS2000 configuration software.

For this test, the fieldbus master (e.g. a PROFIBUS PC Card) should be on the bus and it should transmit data cyclical. Another way to generate cyclic data is, to switch the coupler to free running via the KS2000 software.

The result should be, that the I/O RUN LED flashes in a bright green. This shows, that a data exchange with the connected extension boxes takes place.  A red blinking I/O ERR LED shows faulty IP-Link telegrams. These faulty telegrams will be repeated automatically like in any other fieldbus system. This way a transmission of the data is guaranteed.

Error counter

Table 90, offset 005 shows possible IP-Link errors.  Sporadic appearing errors do not mean any problem for the communication, as long as they do not reach a critical limit.

This error counter is only reset by the Power ON/OFF.

If lots of errors occur in a very short time, this will be interpreted as a heavy disturbance of the communication and the coupler box will report this error. This can be seen at offset 006 and 007. Both values will show a value > 200 and the I/O ERR LEDs of the coupler box will blink the according error code.

Manual refresh needed

The  KS2000 Configuration Software communicates with the Coupler Box via the serial channel. The content of the registers will not be refreshed automatically and has to be refreshed manually.

Position of the error

In case of an IP-Link error, the Coupler Box tries to read the error location from the register of the Extension Box. If the fiber optic ring is interrupted or the communication is heavily disturbed, this is not possible. Only the position of the  last functioning Extension Box before the receiver of the Coupler Box can be recognized. The box will then flash this error code via the I/O ERR LED.

If the communication via IP-Link is still running, table 87 shows the error counter of each Extension Box.

The offset register corresponds to the position of the Extension Box in the KS2000 tree (left side of graphic). This example shows errors at offset 004 and 006.

In the "real" world the faulty IP-Link telegram was reported from the IE20xx and the IE3112, that means the problem has to looked for before these modules.

The error can be up to:

  • the sending module
  • the receiving module
  • the IP-Link cable
  • the connectors

If there is an error in table 90 and none in table 87, the faulty transmission is between the last Extension Box and the Coupler Box.

In most cases the transmission errors can be traced back to bad configured IP-Link connectors or a too high attenuation of the cable due to sharp bending.

The values of table 87 directly come from the extension boxes. In case of an IP-Link interruption these values will be set to zero and only table 90 can be used.

Operateon of a Coupler Box without Extension Modules

If you want to operate a Coupler Box (e.g. IL2300-Bxxx, IL2301-Bxxx or IL2302-Bxxx ) totally without Extension Modules (IExxxx), you have to connect the send and receive socket of this Coupler Box directly by using an IP Link Cable! For this the IP Link Jumper ZK1020-0101-1000 fits perfect.