Functioning IP/IE4132

The analog output module generates output signals in the range from -10...10 V. The module supplies the output voltage with a resolution of up to 16 bits.

Process data (hex)

Process data (decimal)

Output value



-10 V



- 5 V



0 V



5 V



10 V

Representation corresponds to the integer number format (INT). The default setting is for the process data to be entered in twos complement (-1 corresponds to 0xFFFF).

Process data

The process data written by the controller is output as follows:
x = PLC process data (D0, D1)
B_a, A_a = manufacturer scaling (registers 17, 18)
B_h, A_h = manufacturer scaling (registers 19, 20)
B_w, A_w = user scaling (registers 33, 24)
Y_dac = output value to the D/A converter

Neither user nor manufacturer scaling are active
Y_0 = B_a + A_a * x
Y_dac = Y_0

Manufacturer scaling active (default)
Y_1 = B_h + A_h * Y_0
Y_dac = Y_1

User scaling active
Y_2 = B_w + A_w  * Y_0
Y_dac = Y_2

Manufacturer and user scaling active
Y_1 = B_h + A_h *Y_0
Y_dac = B_w + A_w * Y_1

The linear equations are activated via register 32.

Conceptual circuit diagram